The Quarter

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"Baby have you notice Cassity acting strange? She won't tell me what's up and it's been a whole week already." Camila stood infront of the Tv blocking me from playing 2K19. "Probably teenage girl shit, can you move." I tried to move around her to see but she got back in the way.

"Nigga you must forgot I bought this game?" I smacked my lips pausing the it. She smiled sitting in my lap kissing my cheek. "Thank you, now I don't know what's going on but she been acting strange. I tried asking Ari but she don't know what it is either. I was going to take her out with me today to look at wedding bands but she not in the mood."

Honestly everything she was saying to me was on some "Womp, Womp, Womp, shit. I just wanted to get back to my game and dunk on niggas. Gerom and Mo getting the game tomorrow so a nigga was tryna play before they did. Mo a jailhouse nigga so I wasn't worried about his ass, Gerom played the game more than me but I wasn't letting that nigga win.

"Rodger!" She smacked my ass upside the head standing up, "are you listening to me?!" I shook my head dropping it, I felt the headache coming. "Look baby, I'm sorry." I pulled her in kissing her stomach. My baby was getting big and I liked that shit, Camila was getting thicker too and in all the right places. "Just give her some more time, some people don't wanna talk about certain shit. Let her come to you." She slowly nodded her head putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Cry baby ass!" I smacked her booty hard making her laugh. I did it so much it didn't phase her no more, she liked that shit. "Don't you want to do something for me?" She said flirting leaning on me. "I'm not rubbing your back, I'm have no feelings in my hands man." I looked at my fingers, these motherfuckas been worked to the bone since she's been pregnant.

"No, not that." She laughed shaking her head. "I want you to go get me some buffalo wings dry, and some lemon pepper wings with a large fry and Dr.Pepper."

"What I get in return?" I bit my bottom lip rubbing her booty, she blushed putting her head down. "You'll see, it'll be worth it." She pecked my lips repeatedly making me close my eyes and enjoy the moment. "I'm be back." I hopped up grabbing my keys making her laugh.


I was in my bedroom taking down my wig braids, I was going to get Allen to rebraid them before the family reunion. My real hair just needed a break from it being covered period. I smiled in the little mirror seeing how thick and long it had gotten. This baby boy was doing miracles and I loved it.

"Mommy?" My door slowly creaked open showing Ari's head full of hair. "Come on in baby." She smiled running and jumping in the bed making me laugh. "Hey baby, what you doing?" She shrugged pouting, "nothing. Cassity locked me out her room, she don't want to play with me." I shook my head pulling her in close. "She's just going through some things right now baby. You'll have those days in the future, trust me."

I brushed through her hair humming a little tune my grandmother use to hum to me. It was an old church song and it always soothed Ari. "Where's daddy?" "Going to get us some food, we're eating wings." She clapped her hands excitedly making me chuckle. "Mama every time you laugh the baby jump." She rubbed my stomach feeling for the baby.

Since I've been pregnant I've only felt him a handful of times but when Rodger is around he goes a little crazy.

"You want to fold these clothes with me?" I picked up the laundry basket dumping the clothes over her head. "Mommy!" She giggled throwing socks off her head. I laughed seeing her in the mountain of clothes.

I grabbed a few towels folding them up and putting the matching socks together.

"How many days until I get to play with my cousins?" Ari lived for the play dates and family time but I couldn't blame her. She was basically the only child. "A week and a half, so next week we will be backing to go to Shreveport Louisiana to stay in the big family house." It was ten bedrooms, ten bathrooms, three living rooms, a game room, outside pool which was a little too cool for, basketball court, and plenty of land. Me and all my other cousins paid on it just to keep it up and running.

I fanned out a pair of Rodger's jeans seeing money fly out like usual. A coin hit the nightstand catching my attention making me pick it up. "Daddy always got money." I slowly nodded my head feeling the texture of the quarter. It felt almost fake or lumpy making me look around the room for whatever reason. We use to drop similar dimes on snitches, just so we can get information. My heart started pounding because I didn't know if this was from my office or Rodger had run in with the wrong people.

I grabbed my phone in a hurry getting up to go to the bathroom. Ari was too entertained by all the money she was finding in his pockets.

It rung and rung for a few seconds before he picked up. "Wassup baby?" "Where are you?" It was a small pause over the phone before he chuckled. "I'm about to pull up."

"We need to talk, I found something in your pocket." I hung the phone up looking at the quarter. They couldve heard our whole plan and what we were up to and that scared me the most. I had no idea how long they've had this shit in my house or how it even landed in my man's pocket.

I walked back in the bedroom sitting with Ari on the bed.

"Are you okay mama?" I smiled nodding, "of course." She smiled going back to folding up the shirts.

I heard the front door open making me look down the stairs. "Okay Ari, lemme talk to your daddy for a few and I'll call you back up." "Okay." She grabbed all her money she found getting off the bed.

"Hey daddy." "Hey-." He paused looking at the money as she skipped right on pass his ass making me laugh. "I know that ain't mine?" I shook my head laughing even harder. "A bunch of thieves." He sat my drink down giving me a kiss.

"Now what was so urgent over the phone?" He sat down next to me. I slid the quarter off the stand showing it to him. "I know this ain't what you called me for .. a quarter?" He flipped it around obviously not seeing that it's a fake. It could've came off as real but I've used these on plenty of suspects before. I took the "quarter" balling it up tight in my fist so no one could hear.

"This is a fucking listening device Rodger, that I found in your pocket. We don't know how long whoever it is been listening to us. All the shit we've talked about can put both of us away, for good!" He looked at me with heightened brows shaking his head. I could see him slowly getting pissed and confused trying to figure out where it came from.

"Can we figure out where it came from? This shit can't be right, motherfuckas been listening in on me this whole time?!" I hushed him putting my hand over his mouth cause we didn't know who was on the other side of this. Whoever these motherfuckas are they needed to still believe we were clueless.

"I've worked with this type of shit before. Anything like this has a track number and can be traced back to the owner, whoever wanted to listen in had to be close to you. I need you to think baby." I grabbed a towel off the bed wrapping up the quarter tossing it across the floor.

"I don't know Camila, I can't even remember what the fuck I wore let alone what motherfucka was bold enough and close enough to touch me." I grabbed the jeans throwing them at him. He looked over the pants a few good times before popping up out of spot. "That dumb ass bitch!" He paced the floor grabbing his phone and keys making me confused. "What the fuck is going on? Do you know who did it?"

"I went to the mall last week in them jeans, I bumped into Paige and she was talking dumb shit. She tried to grab me but I shoved her ass back into the glass cussing her out." I shook my head instantly annoyed. "So your ex did it.." I trailed off folding my arms.

"Yeah, she had to be the one." He slowed down seeing the expression on my face. It felt like I had to kill all his ex bitches at this point to get shit straight. "This bitch could be working with other people on this shit. We gotta handle this Rodger."

He nodded his head hugging me and kissing my forehead. "I know, and we will. Just keep trusting me like you've been doing."

So we found the quarter all we need is a location or will the gang move in on them first? How long will it take Cassity to realize what's what? Who's she gonna tell first out of Camila and Rodger?


excuse mistakes

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