Allen's world

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I woke up to a note laying on the coffee table. I smiled sitting up on the couch to read it.

I would've carried you to bed but you looked so peaceful so I let you rest. Last night was amazing and I'm looking forward to dinner tonight.

"Oo boy." I smiled hugging the note. His name was Danny and he was growing on me. "aInT tHaT's a liTtLe tOo fAsT tO bE mOvInG oN? yOu wAS jUsT tryNA kiLl yOuRSElf tWo wEekS AgO." I know but none of that mattered to me now. I mean it did but it damn sure wasn't going to stop me from being happy. Danny isn't my boyfriend just someone I can talk to and vent to. He saved my life, he's fine, he loves kids, and he's head over hills for me. I was just happy that I finally got to be with someone who wasn't married, had a babymama or wasn't full of shit.

I worked hair from home so I'd get online bookings and they'll come to me or vise versa. It felt good to be Amber again .. I mean Allen was cool but Amber is a bad bitch. The whole getting away from Bobby thing was my goal and that's exactly what I did. When someone is so toxic to you it feels so good to get a grip of that shit and rip it away.

Me and Danny enjoyed the gay bars, holding hands, a little kiss on the cheek in public, hell we had plans to go to PRIDE in the next two weeks. My point is, he's not scared to be who he truly is and that's the sexiest thing on a man. Camila hit me up telling me to meet her at her house. Her and Rodger was into it deep the way she was crying over the phone. I grabbed my keys and I was out.

"Uncle Allen." Ari jumped up on me making me smile. "Hey niecy pooh." I kissed her cheek making her laugh. "Hey." Camila looked a mess with her hair up, red face from crying and house coat. "Lemme talk to your mama." She nodded her head taking off to her room. "Tell me what's going on." "Rodger is so stupid I swear." She sniffed taking a seat in the kitchen.

"The reason we've been in a hotel is because two guys broke in looking for Rodger." I gasped, I knew Rodger was street but not that deep into it. "He hid me and Ari in the closet for a while until he defused the situation. He killed them and got our asses out there in a hurry. The problem is when he wasn't coming "home" to us every night. Like I knew he was stressed out but he wasn't helping me help him. Okay so boom, he comes in the hotel room I got it all hooked up bitch. Ari was with you, I had roses all on the bed, sexy lingerie on, and a bottle of champagne. As soon as he come in the room he asking me why I left to come here, yelling at me and all. Then I get a whiff of some trashy ass, cheap ass, sweet ass perfume."

She shook her head crying. "I mean we haven't been the best lately but really nigga? You go cheat?" I got up rubbing her back and hugging her. "I'm sorry you had to go through that and he's stupid if he is cheating. Now and days you wanna believe your man but it's so hard to. You and Ari will be just fine baby, you and Rodger will figure it out." She shook her head drying her face. "Boy you know how I feel about cheating, I don't have time." She shrugged it off but I knew she was still hurt. "Well have you tried talking to him?" "He's been calling and texting me but I'm not in that mindset yet. He needs him time to think about what he had at home." I nodded my head understanding that completely.

Me and Camila were talking so much time almost slipped pass me. I was back at my place getting dressed for me and Danny's date tonight. I bought a red dress with some black heels, I settled my mind on a blonde and brown wig.

I smiled humming as I lathered myself in baby oil. Getting ready to go out was something I haven't experienced in a long time. Me and Bobby would always be hotels and take out food. He was so nervous about us being out in public you would swear he was Jay Z or somebody. Danny didn't mind showing me off and I wasn't even his yet but he got little cool points for that.

I admire the little shape I had in the mirror feeling satisfied. My doorbell rung making me grab my clutch and phone, he was always on time for me.

"Hey beautiful." He leaned against the door frame looking like a peice of sexual chocolate. "Hey." I shyly said taking his hand. I could feel his eyes burning a hole into my ass as he guided me to the side of the car. "You make it so obvious." "What? That I want you?" He grabbed me pecking my lips. I chuckled nervously smiling. He opened my door making sure I was safely inside before closing it.

"So where are we going tonight?" "Somewhere special." I glanced over his nice suit trying to guess where we were gonna go. I glanced over again in his lap seeing that God had blessed him tremendously. I hurried and turned my head towards the window playing it off.

"Too late to turn ya head now." He put his hand on my thigh sending chills through my body. "Let's just get there." I moved his hand away. Danny stopped being sensitive after a while. I adored the whole cat and mouse game and he knew that. It wasn't trying to play hard to get I just wanted to know was he willing to set me straight.

He pulled up to this nice ass restaurant, so nice my ass couldn't even pronounce the name. "Don't love me yet." I laughed rolling my eyes. It was nice and the little I could see inside I knew it'll be a night to remember. He opened the door taking my hand. "This is beautiful Danny." He rest his hand on lower back making me mentally squirm.

"Table for Danny." The waitress found his name taking two menus. There was beautiful music playing in the background. Little chatter in the back and every now and then you would hear the kitchen staff. "This is so beautiful, thank you for this." He shrugged like it was no big deal. "You deserved it after everything." He took my hand kissing it. I already told him about me and Bobby, all of it. He told me his dirt so it was only right that I did.

"When are you going to have your surgery." I nervously sat the menu down. "I'm scheduled for next month and I'm so scared." "No need to be scared, I told you- you didn't need it anyway." Yes I was talking about turning my man parts into lady parts. It was something I've always wanted so now I have the money for it. I wasn't sure about breast yet, I liked my no tittie ass.

"I know Danny and I love that you think that but I am going to get it." He laughed at my fake sympathy. "Are you ready to order ma'am? Sir?" I smile hearing the word ma'am come from her lips. "I'll take the Lobster and a few butter rolls." "And I'll like a steak well done, cheese broccoli, and butter rolls." She took the menus walking off.

"Soo Mr. Security guard." I trailed off making him crack a smile. "What do you do throughout the day? You're a night person so what does Danny do through the day?" I sipped my wine waiting. "I workout a little and spend some time with the boys." I frowned. "You have straight guy friends?" He nodded his head chuckling. "Yeah, they cool and they know what I like. I'm not into manly men but you, you're perfect." I blushed hiding my face. "I think you're perfect too. It's just slowly hitting me." Danny had potential for me. He was a great guy with a nice head on his shoulders. Our food came out and we laughed and enjoyed our company. I think he was getting close to enjoying the prize.

This Danny guy is winning some points with Allen. It makes me happy seeing them happy 😌😂


excuse mistakes..

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