Ty's back

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We finally made it in just in time to do all the things I wanted to do. The van ride was pretty quiet because we weren't seeing eye to eye. "This is so beautiful." I smiled looking up at all the tall trees surrounding our cabin. "I already have our bedroom." I whispered to Rodger making him smile.

Everybody else's eyes wandered as they smiled confirming that I did a great job. Rodger pulled the keys out of his pocket unlocking the doors. "Woww!" "This is beautiful!" All the ooo's and aah's were like music to my ears. Even the tough men looked around the place.

"Calling bedrooms!" I screamed running my pregnant ass up the steps. Allen and Amari were right behind me but me and my man was going to get this bedroom fuck all that. Allen tried running infront of me but I tripped his ass almost taking myself out.

"Damn bitch!" I laughed slowing down once I got to the door. "Sorry boo." I blowed Allen a kiss opening the door to our new room.

My eyes lit up and I didn't even know where to start looking at first. The hard wooden floors and the wooden walls gave me the country feel I was looking for. The bed was so big and spacious and I was thanking God so Rodger could stop complaining about my feet all over him.

A pink stripping pole stood boldly in the middle of the floor making me smirk. "Bitch I should've shot you for this room." Allen walked in looking around the place. "You ain't lying." Amari followed behind breathing all heavy.

"Look at this!" I turned my head seeing a whole wall of mirror. "Oh yes bitch me and Rodger are getting it in tonight and I do not hold back moans!" I laughed seeing the salt on their faces but little did they know every room was like this. I just wanted the room upstairs so that me and Rodger could have our privacy for the most part.

We walked out and I closed the door behind me. "Where's Ty?" I asked looking around. "She didn't want to participate in our game I guess, or Amari just scared the poor woman away." I laughed at Allen's pettiness.

"Ain't my fault the bitch can't fend for herself, if y'all have no problems neither do I."

I walked downstairs seeing all of the men huddled up by the van getting our bags. "There she is." Allen pointed to the couch and she was just sitting there. "Amari.." I trailed off nudging her ass. "What?!" "Girl you need to go apologize, I know she heard everything you said. Just be a grown woman." I scowled her until she walked up.

She cleared her throat making Ty look up, she slowly took her head phone out of her ears. "I just want to apologize for the way I acted on the van. The way you left Camila behind for some asshole football player really upsets me." I nudged her a little harder. "But .. the past is the past and I can't hold a grudge that she doesn't anymore. I'm not saying that we're friends now, I'll have to get a feel for you."

I smiled more satisfied with that answer. "I know how you feel and I'm glad you're protecting her just like I use to do. Camila's never been the type to hold grudges and that's one reason I loved her." I smiled taking it as a compliment but Amari had a slick mug on her face.

"Okay ladies now that's all out of the way why don't we fix these beautiful men some breakfast?" I asked walking to the kitchen to defuse the situation. They all followed as I looked through the fridge for everything I ordered. They placed anything you wanted in the fridge there for you already so all you have to do is cook.

"Bitch I'll do some eggs because you know I don't cook." I laughed at Allen handing him the cart. "Girl you already know to give me that bacon, I can't stay on my feet long." I passed the bacon to Amari. Oven bacon was better than skillet bacon and I'll argue with anyone over that.

"Ty I know you make some slamming blueberry pancakes so please do that for." "Of course." She nodded her head smiling making me return the gesture. I could almost feel Amari's eyes burning in the back of my head but she was going to have to really get over it.

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