Baby Shower

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"Sooo .. lemme get this straight, you have an older brother name Mo and you never mentioned him because?" I asked confused rubbing my cocoa butter on my stretch marks.

"Because it was no point in talking about that nigga no more. He use to leave me when I needed him the most, after my dad and mom divorced he shipped out on my ass. He always said he'd come back but never did but now all of a sudden he pop up? Some shit ain't right." I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know bae but don't get worked up over this. You'll figure it out like you always do." I massaged his shoulders kissing his back. He dropped his head low shaking it, he really had bombshells dropping on his ass from every way at this point.

"Baby it's gonna be okay, I'm make sure you straight at the end of the day. I don't need you out here feeling like you alone cause you still got me, your sister, your babies, Gerom, Duke, your mom, grandmother, and your dad despite how crazy the nigga is." We both laughed.

"Man I love you foreal dawg, you really superwoman with this shit. I appreciate you girl." He tackled me on the bed making me laugh and giggle. A comfortable silence fell over us both as he rubbed my stomach talking to our baby boy.

"Wassup man? Can you hear in there?" I quietly laughed shaking my head. "You gone have everything when you get here, everything you could ever want but when you get older you gotta work for it. Me and your mother gone give you the tools to be a better man with better opportunities." I blushed rubbing the back of his head. The baby started kicking making both of us look at each other excitedly.

"Oh, now you wanna kick." Rodger joked making me laugh. He laid his hand flat across my stomach where the baby was feeling him move around. "My boy active in there huh?" I nodded smiling.

I looked up hearing light knocks on my door and I just knew it had to be Ari. "Come in!" She opened the door dragging that little blanket with her up to my bed. "You came just in time, your baby brother all over the place." "Really?" Her face lit up warning my heart completely. "Right here." Rodger took her hand placing it on my stomach.

"Ooo m geeee! It's like an alien!" We all laughed. "Mommy was I like this?" I slowly nodded my head smiling, "you were more active than him honestly, matter of fact active was an understatement with you." She laughed cuddling up next to me. "I use to love putting your small body on my chest and rock you back and forth until you went to sleep. Brushing your pretty, ink black hair almost every night. Tummy time with you was always fun for me baby." I moved her hair behind her ear making her smile up at me.

"Daddy I'm glad you're here to see my baby brother. Make up for lost time." She smiled kissing his cheek which put one on his face. Ari was far from slow, she knew what happened and how everything came to be. She was sharp and to the point just like me but just as goofy as her dad.

"It's only eleven in the morning and we just up like it's nothing." I laid back down putting the covers over my body.

"Nah get up! You promised Amari you'd help her plan the baby shower. I don't need her popping up over here crying." I groaned sitting up in the bed. Amari was due in the next month so we really needed to get this done but I was six months pregnant and tired too. "She lucky I like her, she would've been said forget it if it was anybody else." I got up with an attitude throwing back the covers. Rodger was laughing which made me wanna smack his ass just to say I did it.

I went in the closet grabbing a simple, blue body con dress. I took off my bra and panties sliding it on lazily turning around in the mirror, I was looking a little too cute for how I was feeling. "Uh, where the fuck you think you going?" Rodger leaned in the closet's door frame rolling up a blunt with a black behind his ear which I hated. "To plan a baby shower silly." I said acting slow to where the question obviously came from. I ran my fingers through my curls, grabbed a cute pair of shades, and grabbed my Balenciaga bag.

"Excuse me." I pushed him back a little putting on my sandals.

I bent down hearing a loud slap and a sting hit my bottom. I bit my bottom lip to keep in the curse word, "you'll be alright." I looked at him smacking him upside the head. "That shit hurts, what if I do it to you?" I hurried and smacked his ass just as hard as he did mine making him jump and cuss. "You don't like it do you." I laughed at him rubbing his ass. "You play to much." I laughed grabbing my keys and phone. "I should be back before three, if you and Ari go anywhere make sure she take a bath." He nodded his head pecking my lips.

I walked downstairs and down the hall to Ari's room pushing open her door. "Hey mommy." She got off her bed from jumping running to me. "Hey boo." I hugged her and kissed her forehead. "And stop jumping on this bed I told you last time. I would say make you sleep on the floor but some way you'll mess that up to." She giggled. "Mommy where are you going?"

"With your tt Amari, we're planning the baby shower." "Ooo I want to come!" She dances around clapping her hands. "I thought you was going to stay here with daddy? I think he's taking you somewhere today." I moved the loose, long strings of hair out of her face. "Oh never mind, I'll stay with daddy. We always go out to eat." I gasp holding my chest. "Are you trying to say I don't feed you my child?" "No mommy!" She laughed grabbing my hand.

"Well you and baldhead have fun then." I got off her bed feeling a little played. "Bye mommy." "Bye baby." I smiled closing her door.

"Hey Cassity." I stopped pass the kitchen seeing her laid out on the couch looking bored. "Hey Camila, where you going?" "To help Amari plan this baby shower, tryna come?" She smiled nodding her head.

"Who make your wigs? I want one." I fastened my seatbelt looking worried. "Does it look wiggy to you?" I flipped down my mirror trying to spot something. She laughed, "no, I just see you have like a lot of wigs in one room when I was browsing around. Whoever does them does them good." I smiled feeling flattered.

"Well Allen does them, our cousin. I'm not sure if you remember him or not." I backed out the driveway. "I'll tell him to make you one or I can just give you a few I don't wear as often." "Id like that."

"I think we should do a mix of pink and blue since you don't want to reveal the gender." I grabbed a pink and blue rattle throwing it in the buggy. "We just walked in the store, why do I feel like the buggy already full." Me and Cassity laughed watching how out of place Amari was. She was really the chicken with her head cut off. "It's not too bad, just go with the flow." Cassity said making her smile. "I've only met you a handful of times but you were always my favorite." We laughed stopping infront of more decorations.

"Both of you guys are pregnant and living a good life. Your men are practically perfect." She looked sort of down which told me off bat that relationship issues were somewhere in there.

"Baby it's not perfect by a long shot." Amari chuckled making me agree with her. "Well it's enough of perfect, I see the way Rodger is with Camila and it makes me want that. I know I'm too young to have kids on my mind but it's hard not to when you have such a good example to look up to."

I laughed shaking my head. "Trust me, Rodger and I are nothing to look at. It's a lot of pain and fights behind this smile. Relationship and babies are especially not easy so keep that off your mind please. I saw the way you looked, trouble in paradise?"

I asked slowing down the buggy. "When I use to stay here everything was perfect between me and this guy name Charles, he's changed now though. He's much more cold and the females around him throw it at him every chance they get." She shook her head. "Well anyone attractive is going to get attention Cassity. You gotta show that boy why you're different and why he needs to look pass all of that for you. He's playing cold now but baby you gotta break that wall down and go in for the kill."

"That's how you kept my brother?" We all laughed. "Pretty much." I shrugged.

"Thanks for that little advise, and I think it'll work. It better work." I laughed rubbing her shoulder, everything was going to workout for us.

This part is very boring if you ask me but it's an update. I hate that nothing more interesting is happening YET but it will be.


excuse mistakes...

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