Calling Shots PRT 3.

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"Bobby no!" Allen jumped in grabbing the gun from him before he could even successfully shoot himself in the head. The gun went off in the kitchen making everybody duck. At this point I was completely confused and this felt like some movie shit to me.

"Man sit yo crazy ass down!" Rodger pushed him into the chair. I thought I'd never lay eyes on Bobby since that whole fiasco at my office. "What the fuck are you doing here? Who are your men?" Danny jumped all in his face playing interrogater making me shocked. "I don't talk to you, I talk to Rodger." He spat at his feet making me cringe. This was all so crazy but that didn't stop me from slowly eating on the ribs from the forth.

"Okay same questions now answer it before I blow ya fucking brains out!" Rodger pointed the gun to his head making him straighten up. "I can't talk." He pointed to the notebook off to the side and pen. "Man what the fuck this dude talking about?" Rom asked looking confused like everyone else.

"Give it to em'." Duke snapped following his orders. "This can't be happening." Allen shook his head crying. "Come on." I grabbed his hand walking off to the back because this shit was too much, even for me.

"Bobby's here Camila! He's here trying to kill us!" He cried wrapping his arms around me. "Rodger has this under control Allen, Bobby is a surprise but we can't assume the worst right now. Apparently he's shaken up, poor thing looks like he hadn't been eating. Maybe the information he give Rodger on the notebook clears everything up." I said trying to have some type of hope over his head.

"You're right." He dried his face rubbing his hands together. "Danny's pissed at me and I know it." He shook his head walking back and forth. "I mean Allen if the shoes were on your feet how would you feel? After everything you've told Danny about Bobby it's only right that he protects you. And seeing you protect him would hurt anybody, that's a slap to the face." He sniffed nodding his head.

"You're right, it was just in the heat of the moment deal. I mean I don't wanna see anybody die, we already got a dead man wrapped in the carpet."

I grabbed his shoulder guiding him back to the living room with everyone else.

I looked at Rodger with an unsure face making him look at me apologetically. "Danny left to the back, you should check on him but watch these windows girl." Amari told Allen making him leave in that direction. "Wassup with the notepad shit?" I whispered seeing Rodger and Bobby exchange notes like school children. "I don't know girl, I'm just staying close to the men. This some scary shit." I nodded my head agreeing with that much.

"So Artyom and Sheli got you doing this shit? Trying to take me out huh?" Rodger's voice grew angry and I knew some shit was about to occur. "So you setting my pops up too man?" Rodger held up his gun to Bobby's face making me and Amari jump back.

"No it's nothing like that! You need to be quiet before they hear you, I'm trying to help you out man, this shit is much bigger than us, this man is fucking crazy!" Rodger squeezed the trigger making me hurry to look away. I heard Bobby's body drop making me instantly throw up.

"What the fuck?" Rodger asked confused making me wipe my mouth looking at him. I threw up again seeing blood coming from his neck. "Girl you need to sit down." He scooped me up in his arms putting me on the couch. "What the fuck happened?" Duke asked. "He clearly shot him!" I said frantic, "I didn't shoot him, I guess Artyom didn't want him talking." Rodger bent down looking at Bobby's neck which had a hole on the side of it.

"The fuck." Rom mumbled looking at the small chip Rodger pulled from his flesh. "It gotta be something on here right? Hit up Tony and see what he know." He passed it to Rom making him cringe.

"That's so nasty." I shook my head holding my stomach. "We gotta move while we can." Rodger peeped through the blinds counting how many men are left. "They find out Bobby dead they really gone be on our ass." I shook my head. I didn't want any hotel repeats or for him to be working all late especially with Ari starting school in like two weeks.

"Okay, what's the plan?" I slowly stood up feeling a little dizzy. "The plan is for your ass to lay back and let me handle this shit." He pushed me back onto the couch kissing my cheek. Him, Rom, and Duke huddled in a circle coming up with a game plan.

"All those ribs, gone to waste." Amari laughed at me shaking her head. "You a hot ass mess bitch, we gone get out of here so you can see that beautiful baby girl of yours." I smiled nodding my head. I knew Ari called me today and today just wasn't the time but I missed my baby. I know and trust that Rodger would get out this situation.

"Go pack all our shit, we getting out of here." I nodded my head jogging upstairs. He didn't have to tell me twice because life was too precious for all this crazy ass shit. I slowly pushed open the door dropping to the floor once I seen one of the men outside the window.

I grabbed our clothes from the floor and under the bed stuffing that shit in the bag to the best of my ability. I slid the first bag outside in the hallway going for the next one slowly that was by the window. My ass was too big to be playing ninja now and all I could think is, "don't get shot."

I grabbed the bag and all of the sex toys that was scattered around sliding them out.

I heard gun shots making me crawl to the closet shutting it tight. "What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself shaking out of control. More gun fire came through the house making me cover my mouth with both hands. This was supposed to be an easy weekend but nothing was never easy for Rodger and I hated that. I hated not knowing the next person who'd have beef with him over a damn spot. That his mind would never fully rest at night because he got a gun by him and me wrapped tightly in his arms.

The bullets stopping flying making me look around like I could actually see anything. It was so quiet, a little too quiet for me to be comfortable with. Heavy boots quickly approached upstairs making me scoot back so far until I was hugging the wall.

"Check in there, he couldn't have gone far." I silently cried knowing it wasn't Rodger or none of my people. My stomach tighten up trying to sniff away the tears that threatened to come down hard.

The footsteps slowly approached our bedroom putting me on immediate alert. The gun was at the closet's door and I knew my ass was grass if I didn't get to it before the guy swung that door open. Rodger taught me to never be scared, it was me or them. I slowly stretched out reaching for and grabbing the gun. A bright light hit my face making me instantly pull the trigger but two shots went off.

The guy fell from my headshot and there was Rodger with another one to the back of his scull.

"Baby." I stood up slowly smiling and hugging his neck. "I'm ight, we gotta leave though." He grabbed my hand basically dragging me and the bags downstairs. "Where's everyone?" "In the van, waiting on us." We walked out the front doors and all I could see were dead bodies all across the yard. "Come on." He squeezed my hand making me focus.

"Thank God you're okay!" Allen hugged me pulling me down in the seat next to him. I was just worrying about the war Bobby just started.

before you get on my case about how short this is, it is three parts & eventually parts come to an end 😂🤷🏽‍♀️. But this was pretty much on the wild side ... But is Bobby REALLY dead though? Hmm ..


excuse mistakes..

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