Coming For You!

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"Sir? Sir! Are you okay?" I heard high pitched screaming making my head hurt. "Sir!" I hoped up opening my eyes. I looked around the cabin feeling so confused and misplaced. I looked up seeing police officers in my face making me jump back instantly.

"Woah what the fuck is up with your neck?!" The officer asked pointing to it. I tapped my neck looking at my bloody hand making me stand up. "Who did this to you?"

All Rodger had to do was listen but he chose the other route. He tortured me and took the chip out of my neck and I was sure Sheli and Artyom were searching high and low for me. "I-I need to go." I held onto my neck walking towards the door.

"I don't think that's happening sir." They took me to the ground putting handcuffs on me, "not until you explain eight dead bodies outside and the one in the house with no fingernails." "You assholes!" I huffed as they took me away. I looked at the FEDS snapping pictures of all my dead men picking up evidence. I had to at least been out for three weeks and this injury to the neck should've killed me but I didn't know why I was still living.

Rodger was going to pay for this shit and I was easily going to make him regret what he did to me.

They put me in the back of the police car and I knew I couldn't afford a night in jail. After I take down Rodger myself screwing Artyom over I was leaving the country. Me and Kesha. My family deserve way better than what I've been offering up. I wanted Artyom gone just as much as Rodger but he had his chance and screwed it up.

"Don't you want to tell us what the hell where you doing out there?" The officer turned around asking making me roll my eyes. I slipped my hand in my back pocket taking out the spare bobby pin I keep. "Can we cut the short talk and skip to me killing both of your asses?"

They were laughing but my words made them hush and quickly. "What the fuck did you just say?" He stomped on the breaks giving me the force I needed to free from the cuffs. "You heard me pig." They both got out the car walking around to my side. I wasn't a violent person for the most part but that shit ended here.

"You want to say that ag-ahgg!" I had him in a head lock with my legs punching the other guy in the face. I removed the officer's gun from its holster shooting the cop in the head and his partner. "Say what again?" I mumbled leaning back in the cop car to take a quick break.

No one knew what I've been through or still go through for that matter. I was trained to kill and I was good at my job although I'm a little rusty. The only reason I wanted to spare Rodger is because he's the key to all of this. Me and Rodger working side by side no one would ever be able to cross us. With Artyom and Sheli out the picture it was only clear space and opportunity.

I heard sirens going off in the distance making me hop up. I pushed the dead body off my legs rolling them both into the ditch speeding off in the cop car.

I sped passing up trees making them look like split images in my head. I took apart the gun approaching the river tossing it inside. The nearest gas station was three miles out giving me perfect timing to ditch the car and steal another one.

Meeting up with Sheli or Artyom wasn't in my plan at all now. I was so tired of being the push over or someone's personal hit man. I was much more than that and everyone was going to soon learn who I was. My father always taught me to look out for myself and never to be scared to leave anyone behind. I was living and pushing only for my child, Kesha didn't know if she loved or hate me.

Allen still warmed my heart but I knew him and Danny seemed happy. I just felt screwed anyway in this situation. Going back to my place was also out of the question, I'm sure his men had already raided the place looking for me. There was only one other place I could go now .

"Wassup Bobby! I thought you were dead?" I twisted my lips shrugging my shoulders. "C'mon in." She moved out the way letting me in the house. Sarah was my ex, we still kept in touch just to do so.

"What the hell Bobby!?" She walked up to me trying to touch my neck but I grabbed her wrist. "I need your first aid kit and the bathroom, don't ask any questions." She pointed to the back of the house with the hugest mug on her face but the less she knows the better.

I got up walking in that direction finding the bathroom and first aid kit under the sink. Sarah knew about my lifestyle but that never stopped her from wanting me. She was there for me before Kesha or Allen ever came along. She knew about Artyom and Sheli but not too much, she just knew I hated them.

I got the needle and thread clearing my throat because I knew this was gonna be some painful shit.

"Fuuuck!" I stuck the needle through my skin looping and tying it around. Painfully and carefully I continued the pattern feeling skin come off like it was nothing connected to me. "What the fuck?" I looked down at the fake skin flapping it around trying to figure out why exactly would they do this.

I continued stitching myself up trying to think back to my time in the prison. They put me through hell for those seven days doing some shit to me I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. There was countless of times where I was unconscious and out of my mind and body. They could've easily added another layer of skin to protect the chip but clearly that didn't work out well.

I cleaned my blood up from the sink throwing everything I used away. I examined my neck making sure it was stitched well.


I swung open the door seeing tears run down her cheek. "What's wrong?" She shook her head walking back to the living room making me follow her. She turned on the Tv concentrating.

"Two police officers have been found dead right outside of Houston. A cabin near by looked to be the start of these horrific deaths. Eight were found shot and one left in a way we cannot explain. No details on the man or men that did this, back to you Jeff."

"Did you do that?" She sniffed pushing me upside the head. I sat there not knowing what to say off bat, I was just glad that they didn't have names.

"Did you?" She snapped making me look at her. "The police officers I did do but the men at the cabin were my own." She shook her head making me feel bad that I dragged her in this shit.

"Everything will come together, I promise." I hugged her kissing the top of her head. This was my life now.

Well .. Well .. Well look whose back from the dead, Bobby doesn't know if he wants to kill Rodger or try for the second time to make him a friend ..


excuse mistakes...

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