Mr. Malvrick

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I woke up rolling over to Rodger sleep with his hand on my stomach. Last night got a little wild and some shit was said but my mind is made up. I'm not trying to do the whole tag shit that William and Amari did but I was most definitely gonna make him feel my hurt. My alarm clock went off making me get from under his arm sliding on my house shoes.

I went to the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face. I always enjoyed going back to work after stressful shit like this, I knew I couldn't fail at it. I turned the shower head on dropping my clothes that I had on. The yelling and pain went away as soon as the warm water hit my body. Rodger and I have had some petty arguments but this wasn't just a fuck and make up thing to do. I lathered my luffah in the body wash scrubbing everything and everywhere. My mind wondered off to the happy times when I first talked to Rodger. The love was immediate because of Ari and I think that made us rush a little bit. I still loved him with all of me but I won't be played.

I heard the shower door creak open making me turn my head. I looked down at Ari making me smile. "Goodmorning baby." I picked her up letting the water run through her good hair. "Goodmorning." Her voice was so croaky but cute.

"I'm sorry about us yelling last night, I didn't mean to make you run off." She nodded her head laying it on my shoulder. "I just didn't want you to be mad at him on Father's day." I felt bad because honestly, I probably could've waited but emotions attacked my mother instincts.

I put her down so she could grab her little luffah and soap.


"Goodmorning Camila." One of my coworkers walked pass me waving making me do the same. Showering with Ari was amazing, we barely got to do that and I used that as our girl talk. Rodger didn't have a choice but to get up once I left and of course he had some shit to say but I wasn't too much feeling it.

I walked in my office seeing Duke cleaning up making me furrow my eyebrows. He was jamming to whatever was through those headphones vacuuming. "Duke!" I yelled putting my purse down in the chair. "Duke!" He jumped taking them off looking at me making me sarcastically smile and wave.

"In so late?" I rarely got to see him because he usually beats me here.

"Yeah, I've been a little late because I've been on William and Drica duty." I heightened my eyebrows giving him a death stare. "Don't you talk about them here." I whispered harshly.

"Ms. Camila, Mr. Hampton wants to see you." I twisted my face up looking at Duke and he shrugged. You can tell the baby was so young and wreck less, but then again that's all of our types.

I nervously entered the elevator pressing the very top floor. Mr. Hampton was head man in charge and he barely wanted to see any of us. I mean, I've been working here for four going on five years and only seen the man a handful of times.

The elevator stopped and I swear you'd be able to hear a pen drop from how quiet it was. There was nobody up here but his office and a few more where he met for business with high end people.

"Ms. Davis!" He poked his head out of his office, smiling and waving for me to come in. I guess the smile was a good thing from the boss unless yours was just crazy. I approached his door at a fast pace but my heels stopped clicking feeling caught off guard.

A tall, built man with dreads stood at the back of his desk looking out of the glass. I mentally cursed myself trying to keep this smile for him. "Is your day going good so far Ms.Camila?" He asked. "Yes sir, it is, how about yours." I guess he remember my voice turning around with a cocky grin on his face. He was just as perfect as the day I met him.
"Ms. Camila this is Mr. Malvrick."

"Ms. Camila..." He offered his hand smiling and of course I had to shake it.

"Now Ms. Camila I brought you up here because you're the best that I have. And I know you can keep these type of things under wraps." I nodded my head still not catching on.

"You're coworker, Trey.." Mr. Malvrick started. "We've learned he's been working with Eli Santana and he's been giving up our information during meets." I furrowed my eyebrows not believing it.

"See Camila, Trey is sort of .. sweet on Mr. Eli." "Uh, you mean gay?" I asked trying to be sure we were on the same page. "Yes." He chuckled lightly looking at Mr. Malvrick. "That explains the whole paying for everyone's lunch thing and he's been trying to get on this case with me for the longest." I shook my head seeing the signs now.

"Don't feel bad, at least you didn't let him in, the information he's gotten his hand on has been very valuable to the guy. We can't fire him just yet because he's a potential lead." I nodded my head understanding.

"So with that being said, Mr. Malvrick is your new partner on this whole ordeal. Any questions you have, you contact him." Mr. Hampton grabbed his jacket leaving us in the office which sort of confused me.

I walked behind his desk feeling his eyes on me the whole time. "So that's your name .. Camila." He looked me up and down not even caring anymore which was sexy.

"Yes .. Mr. Malvrick." He chuckled licking those pink lips. "This is gonna be a long day, any food request?" He stood up with his phone in hand waiting. "Wings." I shrugged smiling, he shouldn't be feeding my pregnant ass but hey, who telling?

I watched his athletic ass in those slacks making me bite my lip, he had to be in the gym heavy. "So what do you know about Eli?" I asked trying to be as professional as possible but I wanted those lips and tongue sucking me dry.

"I've dealt with him before that's why they called me in on the case. He's dangerous and I know I can't have him on the streets here. I wanna drag his ass back to the Dominican republic." I zoned out admiring his body for the second time.

A knock came on the door making me zone back in and straighten up. He opened the door and it was the delivery guy with our wings. He tipped the guy closing the door.

"Husband?" He pointed to the ring on my finger making me touch it. I was never the one to speak on an unhappy home, especially mine. "Boyfriend." He nodded his head looking me up and down still. His eyes wandered to my thighs making me a little uncomfortable but the shit was still so sexy.

"Mr. Malvrick are you going to look all night?" I asked flirting a little bit. "Only if you let me." I chuckled rolling my eyes. "I have child at home, and one on the way." I rubbed my stomach and surprisingly it didn't take him back.

"You're still so sexy." I blushed putting my head down.

"I'm good at reading people, and I know you didn't accept my card at the bar for no reason. So what can I do for you?" He leaned in making my kitty easily jump. I bit the butt of my pen looking into his eyes, "maybe your head between my thighs.." He smirked biting his lip. "What's in it for me?"

"You get to see my beautiful face everyday and I don't get your ass transferred." He chuckled nodding his head. "That's good enough for me love." I crossed my legs tight making him look down.

"Down girl." I rolled my eyes blushing.

Oweee bitches!!!!!👀😍 whyyyyyy Lorddd!!!! Will this be a successful fling or would Mr. Malvrick become obsessed with Camila? Or hell, would Camila want much more? These two are giving me GROWN vibes ...

I rally wanna spoil y'all with two parts tonight so that's what I'm do😂❤️


excuse mistakes ..

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