Pressure Rising

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I was sitting at my desk trying to pull this device apart so I can get the tracking number. I swear, anything dealing with bitches and Rodger was always something dramatic. I understood why they couldn't let him go but if he was that good you would've never left to begin with. I shut the thing off which gave me at least twenty minutes for me to figure out where the hell it came from before whoever noticed. It was a relief finding out it wasn't from any of my office members. Rick had been hell bent on finding out who kill Chad and Bailey so much that it made me miserable just to be around him.

I finally unlocked it dancing in my seat a little, motherfuckas made this shit so easy. I wanted to know who exactly was watching us so we could watch them.

I typed in the code to reverse the process and when it flipped I was looking into Amari's old kitchen. "What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself looking closer trying to be sure my eyes were seeing what was there.

"So we gotta make this move on these motherfuckas like next week. I'm tired of discussing it, if Ty and Paige ain't down then fuck them." I examined closely watching Drica and William move around the kitchen looking handy capped as fuck. "Man put this shit on hold Drica! Rodger too fucking smart for that, we still got the quarter so we fucking good!" He got all in his face making me shocked. He'd never bucked up to Amari like that but now he was a savage apparently.

I shot Rodger a text to meet me at my office. I'm glad William fucking knew not to try Rodger without a thought out plan and even that will get his shit blown off. I was going to makes all those bitch suffer and I knew Duke wanted William's head on a stick.

"Let's just check the fucking thing and see if they said anything new that'll lead us to them. I want that FED bitch dead." She walked up to the laptop clicking around.

I put a quick virus on their computer just to give me enough time to save everything to my hard drive. She wanted the "FED" bitch she was gonna get it.

My office phone started ringing making me hurry to pick it up. "Ms. Davis, there's a Mr. Smith here to see you." "Send him up Stacy." I hung the phone up closing my laptop. I tossed the coin on the ground stomping it because there was no more us in it.

A few minutes later Rodger was pushing open my door with food in his hand making me smile. "Hey baby." I got up giving him a hug and a kiss. "Wassup, now wassup with me coming down here in a rush?" He sat the taco bag down scooting his chair next to me. "Now I was able to track the location and you not gone believe this shit."

I opened my laptop clicking on the links I had saved from the coin.

"What the fuck?" He leaned in just like I did seeing his sister's house. "I know that nigga William ain't that fucking bold, it can't be." He shook his head getting upset. "He's not the only one, watch." Just like that Drica and her one handed ass entered the kitchen.

I sat there letting him hear the conversation that was going on. His veins were popping out of his forehead and he started rubbing his forehead so deep I thought he was about to fucking burst.

"Man Fuck!" He slammed my laptop shut making me jump a little. "So you telling me this whole time these motherfuckas been plotting on me? All them motherfuckas dead, Oooo fuck! Didn't they fucking learn from the last time?" He paced the floor back and forth and I knew murder was on his mind but he needed to think with a rational mind.

"Baby." I slowly came behind him massaging his shoulders trying to loosen him up. He turned around dropping his head on my shoulder rubbing my back. "All this shit coming down on me Camila and I don't know if I can keep this shit cool. My mind not right, it haven't been for a long time. Without you, Ari, and my son on the way I wouldn't be here. Motherfuckas just don't understand when I try to be nice. Like that night, I could've easily killed Bobby but he had his child in his arms. I was soft for that shit, I should've took the shot."

He sat up massaging the bridge of his nose with his hand on his hip. Something was wrong with him and deeper than all this shit. I knew he was trying to keep it together for me but I didn't know how much longer that'll be.

"Look Rodger." I picked his head up. "Baby you got this, they ain't shit to eliminate. This lifestyle not for you anymore baby, you gotta stop after this." He shook his head moving away from me. "How easy you think this shit is? I got motherfuckas out here that want my head everyday and you want me to stop?" He scoffed laughing making me look at his ass sideways.

"You must don't know who the fuck my dad is? If that nigga can get out so can fucking you, you must like sleeping with guns and shit under the pillow? Look, we gotta family to think about and I'm not putting my children in harms way. So after you do this shit be fucking done Rodger!"

"And you must forgot I'm the one supporting your expensive ass lifestyle? You and Ari eat up so much money it's fucking crazy! The Gucci, Balenciaga, Off White, planning this wedding.. do I need to say more?"

I shook my head chuckling.

"Nah don't say no fucking more cause I'm scared if you do I might smack your stupid ass!" I got in his face so he could understand what the fuck I was about to say next. "Motherfucka I had money way before you came along and you must forgot about all that designer shit I had before you! Me and my baby been good nigga, you wanted to spoil so your fucking wish was my command. Don't you EVER throw money in my face Rodger! I'd love you if you was just a nigga working a 9 to 5."

I turned my back fanning myself to keep the tears down, this was too much. That shit was a smack to the face for anybody out here who was genuinely down. "I didn't mean it like that." He tried grabbing me but I pushed him turning around. "Nope, you meant that shit deep down inside, so since I'm sucking you fucking dry you can have it all back!" I fumbled with the expensive ass tennis bracelet finally getting it off and throwing it at him.

"You can get these tacos too nigga, I'm sure they were expensive also." I tossed the bag at him as hard as I could watching the food fly everywhere. "Calm yo crazy ass down before I give all yo people a show."

"The next thing going upside yo head is my fucking shoe so if I was you I'd leave." I pointed to the door for him to leave.

"You trippen!"

"Nah you fucking trippen! Thinking I'd use you like that, I've worked way too hard for this shit to let anybody discredit me! You hurting so you trying to hurt me and I don't wanna see you right now." I sniffed shoving him towards the door.

"We talking about this shit at home Camila!" I rolled my eyes slamming the door in his face.

The odds are against Rodger and the pressure is rising which is causing problems between the two of them unfortunately 🤧💔


excuse mistakes..

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