Calling Shots PRT. 2

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"Girl what the fuck is going on out there?" Amari said trying to catch her breath. We all were in shock and scared including Allen. "Me-me and Rodger was out on the balcony and I see these three black trucks come our way and I tried to get his attention but he kept doing what he was doing. Finally, I yelled getting it and by that time shots were flying and he pushed me to the floor." I shook my head sniffing up the tears.

"Shit not finna be good and I just know it." I shook my head. We were all still stuck in the closet and I was too afraid to even open the door. Hell whispering to each other was dangerous at this point.

"Hold it together girl, they got this. I ain't finna let Danny handle this shit alone." Allen stood up about to walk out and I grabbed his arm but it was too late. He pushed open the door stepping out into our bedroom and immediately shots started flying making him duck.

"Come on!" I screamed pulling his little ass back in. I closed the door shut locking it and putting the chair underneath the doorknob. "I told you not to do it bitch!" Amari fussed rocking back and forth.


"Have Tony ever heard of these niggas man?" I was tryna cram as much information as possible about these dudes before it became a shoot out. "They most definitely Artyom's men with military experience." I nodded my head panting back and forth, thinking of a game plan. "Ight, they got the place surrounded right? If you catch one lurking around the house grab his ass and bring him to me. If you gotta shoot, aim for the knees." Everybody broke off to different parts of the cabin.

Nobody was finna run me off.

"Boss .. Artyom's on the phone for you." I took the phone from Jeff's hand putting it against my ear. "Hello?" "Hello Bobby .. why isn't Rodger begging for his life yet?" I shook my head walking away from the other men. "I was only counting on him and Camila to be here not over five extra bodies Artyom! Allen could be in there and it'll fuck the whole operation up." "I don't care, get it done or the little family you do have die."

The line disconnected as I sat there with the phone still to my ear. They finally let me leave that miserable ass camp and come home but shortly after I was already on missions. I've been keeping an eye on them since yesterday and Danny was going to be number two on my list to kill.

I heard gun fire come from the side of the house making me and all of my men run in that direction. "They got him!" Jeff yelled letting his gun go off on whoever was dragging my man in the house. "How the fuck did this happen?!" I snatched up Ramon by his body armor shoving him against the wall. "I-I don't know, it happened so quick sir. We were out here guarding then they start shooting hitting him in the leg." I shook my head letting go of his clothes.

"They have leverage now! If you see anybody you shoot first and ask questions later! The only one who gets to survive is Rodger." They moved out fanning around the cabin like feathers.


"Who the fuck are you and why the fuck y'all at my crib?" I grabbed the dude up off the floor throwing him in the chair. He shook his head holding his shot leg, you could tell fear was in his eyes. "When I ask a fucking question you answer!"

"Artyom's wants your head on fucking stick! It's pointless trying to get me to talk, kill me now!" He laughed leaning back in his chair. "Everybody cracks." I held my hand out for Duke to hand me the knife. "I'm carve into your white ass until you tell me what I want to know. For one, who the fuck is your leader out there barking orders?" He sat there with a cocky grin on his face.

I grabbed his arm making him breathe heavy, "hold him down." Duke got his legs and Rom had his hands. I picked up his skin cutting away at the shit hearing him scream and beg for mercy. "You stupid bitch!" He screamed in my face.

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