Home Alone 99

822 23 18

"Are you sure you guys will be fine??..." Link asked Palutena and Lucina.

"Link, they'll be fine. They're two grown women." Zelda said, putting a hand on Link's arm. Link's face turned slightly pink.


Today the gang was going out to a small 'meet up', and had to get groceries and junk for the house since they were all running out of supplies... Already. And Palutena and Lucina did NOT wanna go, since they both got some stuff for the house at the beginning of the year. Smart idea, leaving those two by themselves.


"We'll just binge Disney classics, or whatever..." Lucina added while munching on Chex Mix.

"I wanna be, where the people are-"



The group started walking towards the door.

"Alright, call if you guys are in trouble." Ike said while walking with everyone else out the door. Soon enough, it was just Pat and Luci in the house.


"Yes, Pat?"

"I don't feel safe."

"Please, like anyone would wanna take you."


~~~LaTeR tHaT nIgHt~~~

The two girls were set up in Lucina's room, laying on her bed, sharing Chex Mix and watching the Little Mermaid. They were relaxed, singing along to Ariel's 'Part of Your World', with such, such, emotion.





The two went silent. Lucina stopped chewing her Chex Mix, and Palutena paused The Little Mermaid. They looked at each other. A minute after, they heard another sound... footsteps??



Lucina got up from the bed, but before her feet touched the floor, there were more noises. Lucina scampered back to the bed and pulled out her phone. She called Marth.

Lucina waited. After a few seconds, Marth picked up on Facetime.

"Yes?" Marth politely asked.


"Yeah, yes, I hear you loud and clear, what may it be?"

Palutena shouted, "Someone's in the house!" Marth raised both his eyebrows. He then tapped Ike. The girls heard him say, 'they think someone's in the house'. They then saw Ike's face come in.

"What did you guys hear?"


Ike paused. "Well, we'll be home in, like, two hours."

"Two hours?! Stoop, by then we'll be the girls in 'Split'." Lucina snapped.

"ALRIGHT, alright... We're getting the groceries right now-"

"We can see that."

"Shutup, please." Ike paused again. "We'll try to finish up, soon."

"Kay bye." Lucina said. She hung up.

"Wait.." Palutena muttered.

"What?" Lucina asked.

"We can just find this intruder, right? A Goddess and a Warrior. Come on."

Lucina made a 'tru, tru' face. "Aight then, lets go."

The two got out of the room, quietly. They tip-toed around the house. They were around the backdoor to the backyard, when they saw a movement from out-back. They looked at each other, and nodded.


The duo went outside, and looked around, and started wandering around with their flashlights from their phones on. While looking, they heard the shut of a door.

They quickly turned their heads to see that the backdoor was closed, leaving them trapped outside.

"Frigg" Lucina muttered under her breath.

"Wanna wait?" Palutena asked, already pulling out her phone.

"WHAT?! No! Our stuff could get stolen!" Lucina went to the fence bordering the perimeter where she found a brick. She walked back to the door, and slammed the brick on the handle. The handle popped downward, going unlocked. Lucina casually opened the door.

"Alright.." Lucina said, standing there. Her eyes went to the floor, and back up. Then back down to the floor. "Hey my sword!" She happily picked it up, holding it out in front of her. Suddenly, there was a grumble coming from the left of them. They turned. It was a figure drenched in black, a hood covering it's eyes. The creature ran towards them. Lucina quickly got in front of Palutena, keeping an arm in front of the goddess. She struck the creature with her sword, leaving a slash in it's lower stomach. It screeched, taking it's hand out and swiping at Lucina. Claws had scratched her upper chest, bleeding quickly. Lucina grunted. And Palutena let out a small yelp. Palutena ran towards the creature, and took out her wings and forced them at the thing. It was taken aback, and it paused for a brief moment. It then ran towards an open window(open window? Maybe thats how it got in...) and quickly jumped out of it. The two girls ran towards the open window. It already got on the fence. It looked back at them. This time, they saw a human red eye, glaring at them.' Was it human?' Lucina wondered. As it got over the fence, the front door opened.

"HYAAAAH!" Ike jumped in quickly, his sword in hand. "Huh?" There was no one there, but he and everyone else behind him just saw a mess, and a little bit of blood.

"Oh god..." Zelda muttered. Link put his hand on her shoulder as a quick comfort, and after, walked towards the girls.

"What happened?" He asked. Luci and Pat quickly explained what had happened.

"Red eye? Ew..." Peach said.

"Peach..." Samus looked at her.


Palutena was still confused at what had happened, but was distracted when she saw the scratches Lucina had on her chest bleeding out.

"Oh god!" Palutena said. It was a deeper cut than she thought. She turned towards a drawer in the kitchen, and pulled out a roll of bandages. The cut was right below her neck She moved the collar of Lucina's T-shirt and started sticking the bandages to Lucina's scars. Palutena looked up at Lucina, who looked at her.

"Thanks." Lucina said with a warm smile. Palutena quickly looked down, hiding her face that flushed red.

"So." Samus said, walking up to the girls. "Red eyes?" She asked. The girls both nodded. "Huh.."

"Well... get some rest, you two... We'll clean this up". Ike said, putting a hand on Samus' shoulder. Samus smiled, and nodded.

"O-okay." Lucina mumbled. Slowly walking to her room, with Palutena already walking inside her room. Lucina felt the scars below her neck sting, and felt something flow through her body. She didn't think anything of it, as she walked into her room, closing the door behind her, and flopping on her bed, closing her eyes to a red-filled vision.

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