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     "Today looks so ugly..." Peach muttered as she sipped her glass of orange juice.

     "Peach, please." Daisy paused. "Just 'cause it's raining outside doesn't mean it's ugly... You know how much fun you could have?"

     "I don't wanna get wet!" Peach complained.

     "I side with Peach." Marth butted in. "I wouldn't want to get my soft, blue hair wet... Speaking of blue hair, where are my other two bluenettes?"

     "Huh?" Daisy asked.

     "Where are Ike and Lucina?" Marth answered.

     "Huh... Where are those two?...." Samus added.

     "They went out to get some groceries! They even said it in front of you guys!" Zelda answered. "They'll probably be back soon-"

     "WE'RE HOME!" Lucina shouted as she walked in. She had several bags of food and set them on the counter. She then walked back out to get the rest.

     "You need some help with that?" Link asked.

     "Nah." Lucina answered.

     Ike and Lucina came in with the rest of the groceries. "We have one more thing..." Ike said. Lucina and Ike grinned at each other and went outside to get the last thing.

     "Uh-oh..." Zelda mumbled.

     "What?" Link asked.

     "What did those two get to make them excited like this?...."

     "It could be anything..." Marth said.

     The two came back in the house, Ike standing in front of everyone and Lucina hiding something behind the door.

     "Everyone is down here, right?" Ike asked. Everyone nodded.

     "Okay... So, before we got home, we had a good idea..." Lucina said.

     "And we thought you all would like it.." Ike added on.

     There was a sudden bump at the door, causing Lucina to trip and yelp out. She got back to her feet and looked behind the door. 

     Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing what was behind the door.

     "A DOG?!" Everyone yelled.

     A large husky ran around the house, sniffing everyone and jumping around.

     "OH MY GOOOD!!!!!" Marth and Pit squealed.

     "Is it a boy or a girl?" Samus asked.

     "Boy." Ike answered.

     "Guys, are you sure we can take care of a dog?" Robin asked.

     "Of course! Like twelve people can't take care of one dog." Lucina answered.

     "Well these twelve people are... Special..." Robin replied.

     "We can take care of him!!!!" Ike said.

     "What do we name him?" Pit asked as he petted the dog's head.

     Ike and Lucina both quickly answered, "Oliver."

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