You and Me, Both

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       "Pat, pass the salt!"

       "Luci, pass the eggs!"

     "Got it!"


     Lucina and Palutena ran around the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. Lucina tossed two eggs to Palutena, and Palutena slid the salt to Luci. They danced to the music that they played and swayed.

       "When do you think they're getting up?" Palutena asked.

      "Count to three."

      Pat counted... 1. 2. 3.

     "GOOOOOD MOOOORRRRRNIIIIIINNG!!!!" Marth yelled from his room.

      "Oh." Pat said.


     "Is that bacon I smell?" Marth asked as he walked downstairs to the kitchen."

     "Yep," Lucina walked over to the stove. "Your mug is already on the table, Marth."

     "Thank you, Luci."

     "I smell pancakes!!!" Peach exclaimed as she ran downstairs.

     "We're coming!!!" Roy yelled. He ran downstairs with Pit on his back. Right when he reached the bottom of the stairs, he immediately tripped over one of Oliver's chew toys.

     "Ike, I thought you picked up Ollie's toys last night!!"

     "I thought I did, too."     "Good morning, Daisy!"

     "Good morning, Shulk!"

      "Stupid Brit and his stupid accent..."  Roy muttered.

     "EVERYBODY, TO THE TABLE!" Marth yelled.

      Everyone sat at the table.


     "Where's Link?"

     "He went out like, an hour ago."   

     "Good, now we can talk shit."

     "Everyone please, calm down," Marth said. "We'll go around the table and see what we all think of this."

      "Malon's a biatch."

     "Link is being stupid."

     "How long has this been going on? Two weeks?"



     "I know. Everyone eat their breakfast and save none for Link."


     Lucina and Palutena lay on Lucina's bed, binging through their favorite movies. It was just them, they wanted to invite Pit, but some of the movies weren't exactly kid-friendly.

     "You took your meds, right?" Pat asked.



     The two watched in silence. Palutena occasionally glanced at Lucina, Lucina sometimes catching her gaze and smiling back at her.

     Suddenly a funny part came in in the movie, causing the two to laugh. Palutena's laugh faded as her eyes landed directly on Lucina. She felt a heavy weight for through her chest and her stomach. She felt her face get hot as she watched Lucina continue to laugh.

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