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~~Author's note~~

Hey! This is kinda the first time I'm doing this.. but I wanna thank @Lemely08 for requesting this. I would've never really thought of this part unless this ray o' sunshine requested this! So, Thanks a bunch! Aight, to the story! :D


After cleaning up the mess, Link walked off upstairs to his room. He shut the door and stood there, his hands still on the door.

"Is it Really... No...No,no,no...." Link sat on the edge of his bed, resting his head in his hands. He remembered Pat and Luci talking about a red eye on a human figure. He had the thought of someone very familiar coming back. He wondered if Zelda was wondering the same thing. He wanted to talk to her about it, since he knew that Zelda would have some idea. 'She always does. She always knows the right things' Link thought. He felt tempted to get up and walk to her room, but he couldn't. He felt tired. His last thoughts were,

'It can't be Dark Link... Not.. Not him...' . He then drifted asleep.


"ITS THE MORNING TIIME!" Pit shouted as he ran into the kitchen and through the living room. He was definitely excited for a new day.

"Pit, could ya maybe shutup?" Peach called after him, slumping as she walked into the living room with a few others. Peach was grumpy this morning.

As Zelda walked into the kitchen, she noticed Link coming in the room with an uncomfortable expression. HIs face looked troubled and it looked like he had been thinking about something.


"ZELLIEEE!!!" Zelda got cut off with Palutena gliding into the room and standing at Zelda's side.

"Pat..." Zelda looked at her with an expectant grin on her face. "Where's Lucina? Usually you'd already be on her back". Palutena perked her head up when she realized she didn't get to annoy Lucina yet. She turned her head around the room to see if she was up. And of course, she was, but she was already talking to Robin. Pat grunted a gruntling grunt of shame. Zelda saw this, and she laughed to herself.

"GUYS!" Pit shouted.

"Pit." Palutena said.


"Please no yell."

"Aight." Pit paused for a moment and continued. "We... Should have..."

"Piit.." Robin said, impatiently expecting an answer.

"A..." Pit smiled. He continued,


"YAAY!" Palutena shouted, jumping into the air while grabbing some of the others under her arm.

"YYAAAAASSS." Marth screamed as he entered the room.




"Kay lets just wait till the story skips to the night."

"Wait wha?!-"

~~T H A T N I G H T~~

So, the group had decided to sleep in Zelda's room that night for some reason. Everyone brought sleeping bags and food, and Chex Mix.

"AIGHT" Pat yelled as she was the last one to enter the room. Robin and Lucina sat on the bed, while everyone else either set up on the floor or found a seat at Zelda's desk or her window seal. As Palutena walked into the room, she walked to the bed and pulled Robin off. She carefully stepped over him and sat herself on the bed.

"What shall we do first?" Zelda asked as she got comfortable.

"Hmmmmmmmmm....." Palutena put her hand up to her chin.

"7 minutes in Hea-"

"7 minutes in Heaven." Palutena finished. She looked at Pit, who she cut off.

"Sure..." Link said. He looked at Zelda for a split second.

They wrote their names down and put it in a glass bowl and mixed them up. They voted for Samus to go first.

"No." Samus said, crossing her arms.

"But why." Lucina asked...

Samus didn't saying anything, but in defeat, put her hand in the bowl and pulled out a name. She picked out the paper and read it.

"..." She raised and eyebrow.


"Who put a blank paper in.."

Everyone looked at Roy.

"Sorry." Roy spit out.

"Who's next?" Samus asked.

Palutena looked at the blonde. "Wha- Okay, someone else pick." Palutena demanded, knowing that she was defeated. But the Goddess perked her head up and beamed at Lucina. "LUCI, PICK!" Lucina was taken aback.

"A-alright..." Lucina mumbled as she put her hand in the bowl. She picked a paper out and held it above the bowl for a few seconds. Robin was staring at the paper impatiently.

Lucina opened the piece of paper. She raised an eyebrow of unexpectance. She was about to say the name, but choked on her words.

"R-Roy??" Lucina stuttered.

"ALRIGHT!!" Roy quickly got up. He paused and looked over at Robin. Robin glared at him. Roy trotted over to the closet in the room and stood there. Lucina got up and looked at Roy with a sense of annoyance. She opened the closet door and used her hand to gesture him in. Roy got in and sat. Lucina shut the closet door.

Once the closet door closed, everyone turned their heads to Robin. Robin looked at all of them.

"I'm fine." He said bluntly.

"Ha. Sure." Palutena said almost in a harsh manner. "When our lovelies are done in there, could we watch Mulan?"

"But we just started the game..." Link said.

"I know."

"... Sure."

7 minutes had passed, and Zelda got up to open the closet. She opened the door to find the two still separated, but Lucina had her foot on Roy's chest so he wouldn't come near her.

As the two got up, Zelda whispered to Lucina, "Loyal to your silver-haired lover, I see." Lucina blushed madly as she glared at Zelda.


Everyone was on the bed watching Mulan. They were singing along to 'Be A Man', when the lights shut off.

"AAAAAAAH!" Peach wailed, grabbing on to Zelda. Zelda patted Peach's back.

All of a sudden they heard the shattering of glass.

Palutena quickly turned her head. "Not you again.." She muttered.

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Hey! I was listening to the Mulan soundtrack while writing this, but a silly and cool quick thought came to my head, what if there was a fire emblem animatic to 'Be a Man' and Lucina was in the place of Mulan, but instead tried to prove herself to her dad, who would be in the place of Shang. Huh? Wouldn't you wanna see that?

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