Strangely So

469 18 15

"What do you mean we're here?" Link asked.

"This is where we go off-road" Ike replied bluntly.


"But its dark outside!" Peach wailed. "I don't want to go off-road when it's night!"

Ike looked outside the window. He looked back at Peach.

"..." Ike sighed. "Fine... But tomorrow night we don't stop." Ike finished and sat back in his seat.

"Alright! Sleepover Part 2!!!" Marth and Roy shouted.

"Shutup and go to bed, I don't wanna hear you all right now." Ike snapped.

"Okaaay..." Everyone said.


Palutena woke up in the middle of the night. She lay on the top bunk again, and checked her phone. It read 2:34 AM. The girl looked around the motorhome to see everyone sleeping. She counted nine people, but looked under into the bottom bunk and saw Pit. She then counted nine. She knew someone was missing, she even counted herself. She looked around and paused abruptly.

'Lucina...' She thought. She didn't see the girl anywhere. She looked to the door of the motorhome, only to see it slightly open. Palutena slowly climbed down from the top bunk and tip-toed to the door. She quietly opened it, and stepped outside.

She looked around. She didn't see Lucina anywhere. She then saw a glisten of metal come from the right side of her. She turned to see the metal still reflecting off of the moon. She walked towards it. She had to maneuver around trees and bushes, but she finally reached it.

She quietly gasped when she saw Lucina sitting on a tree stump with her head down, her hair covering her face. Palutena slowly walked towards the girl. The closer she got, the more she realized that Lucina was holding that rested on her fore-arm. She was finally close enough to the girl to be right in front of her. She kneeled down, and saw the thing that Lucina was holding.

It was a knife that trailed blood on it's blade. Palutena looked to Lucina's arm to see fresh cuts on it.

"Lucina..." Palutena felt a wave of anger rush over her. "LUCINA!"

Palutena took the knife out of her hands and stood up.


There was still no reply.

The goddess softened her emotions, and kneeled back down. She tried to look at Lucina, but the girl's midnight-blue hair covered her face. Palutena brushed the hair out of Lucina's face to get a good look at her.

Palutena stumbled back when she looked into the girl's eyes.

They were widened, with her eyeballs slightly smaller. Her eyes were colored a dark red. Lucina's face looked panicked and overwhelmed, but also with a sense of craziness.

"Lucina?!" Palutena shook her shoulders. "LUCINA?!"

This time when Palutena shook the girl, she shook her with more force. Lucina gasped and fell off the tree stump. Lucina's whole body was shaking. She slowly looked up at Palutena, with tears quickly forming in her eyes. Her eyes were back to it's normal blue.

"P-p-pat-" The crying girl got cut off.

"You're okay" Palutena said, hugging Lucina.

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