Schleep ovarr part 2: Storm

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     "Why is there a storm?! It's summa time!"

     "Roy." Marth snapped.

     "Yes ma'am?"

     "Go wash up. You're dripping pool water all over the floor."

    "What to do..." Palutena pondered.

     "Guys?!" Zelda came walking in the room still with her swimsuit on.


     "My conditioner isn't in my shower, which one of you took it." She turned her head. "Marth?"

      "I have twelve bottles of conditioner, why would I steal you're peasant-like shower toiletries.."

     "It's in my bathroom!" Peach called from her room.

     "Okay!" Before Zelda walked out of the room, she turned to Roy and said, "My eyes are up here, Roy."

      "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO TAKE A GODDAMN SHOWER, YOUNG MAN?!" Marth screamed from the kitchen.


     "I don't like storms!!!!" Pit whined.

     "I'm bored." Palutena also whined.

     "What can we do-"

     "SLEEP OVERRRRR!!!" Peach and Daisy shouted.

      "We already did that." Lucina said.

      "Yah, but last time we had to cut it short due to being attacked by an evil clone of one of our friends. And Daisy wasn't here!" Peach defenses her own opinion.

     "Okay fine..."

     "Can we do it in the living room this time? Last time we did it in Lucina's room it was crowded." Pit asked.

     "Yes, we'll do it in the living room. Besides! The kitchen is right over there, and we have the TV right in front of us!" Palutena said, looking  to the bright side.

     "Alright then... Get your sleeping bags, and get the Chex Mix. We're doing Sleep Over: Part 2." Lucina finished.


     "Can we play spin the bottle?!" 


     "Can we play truth or dare?!"


     "Alright!" Everyone got in a circle on the floor, preparing for the game.

     "Who's going first?" Peach asked. No one volunteered. "Pat! Start!"

     "Huh? Uh- okay!" Palutena stammered.

     "Alright, goddess! Truth or dare?"

     "Uh, I'll play it safe. Truth."

     "Is it true...." Peach thought of something to ask. "Is it true that your love interest is in this room?"

     "Uh..." Palutena's cheeks flushed red.She glances over to Lucina, who raised an eyebrow at her.

     "Alright! I am truthful! No." Palutena said, while crossing her fingers behind her back.

     "I believe her. She tells me everything." Lucina said, jokingly, leaning her head on Pat's shoulders. The goddess smiled, and said, "Marth!"

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