Lol I don't know what to title this

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      Zelda parked in the driveway of the house, stopped the engine and walked to the front door of the house. Before this, everyone went out separately or in small groups around the town or elsewhere. While everyone else was gone, Lucina stayed with Oliver for, 'me time'.

       Zelda was the first to get home, so she opened the door, and stepped inside. She was greeted to music echoing from Lucina's room. She walked to Luci's room, and stood in front of the door. She leaned her head on the door, only hearing the music. 

     "Lucina?" She called. She got no reply.

     She opened the door slowly, to be greeted by the blue-haired girl. Lucina didn't seem to notice that Zelda entered the room, but continued to paint on a rather large canvas.

     Zelda walked further into the room, eyeing the canvas Lucina painted on.

     "You painted that?!" Zelda exclaimed.

      Lucina was taken by surprise, stumbling over her own feet but quickly gaining back her balance. She straightened her usually-slightly but not-so much- slumped posture. "Uh, yeah!"

      Zelda could tell that Lucina tried to turn the painted canvas away, embarrassed.

     "I've never seen you paint before... I didn't even know you were an artist! Do you bring out the artistic talents when your home alone or something?"

     "Uh, I just... I just paint when I feel like it... And I wanted to paint today, so..." Lucina gestured to the painting. "But in all honesty, I only decided to paint because I watched a movie about a painter."

     "What movie?"

     "It's called Big Eyes." Lucina didn't think anything of it, but finished off her painting.

     "Can we watch it?"

     Lucina stopped, and then set the paint brush down. "Uh, sure!"


      The two were now half way through the movie, munching on Chex Mix.

      "This movie took a turn."

      "Right? It's crazy!"

      Before they could say anything more, The front door booked open. The heard stomping followed with,



     "In my room!" Lucina called back, not taking her eyes off the screen.

     Just then, Marth slammed he door open. Not even waiting, Marth marches over to the bed and sat.

      "I'M SO MAD." Marth pauses for a few seconds. "AT ROY."

     "Oh no..."


      "Where is he now."


     "I'm sure he was joking."

     "I DON'T CARE!"

      Zelda butted in. "Uh, Marth-"


     "Uh- Okay."

       The two continued to bicker back and forth for a few minutes, while Zelda just continued to watch the movie. She sighed to herself and grabbed a handful of Chex Mix. She continued to ignore the two until once again, the door banged open. Not even a minute later, Samus barged in And angrily sat on the bed.

     "Why the long face, toots?" Lucina asked.

     "It's that time of the month for me.." Samus said through gritted teeth.

      "Oh, Shark Week started."

     "Yes." Samus leaned back, her head falling onto Lucina's lap. "So what's the drama? Entertain me, I need it."

     "Well, I-" Before Lucina could finish, her phone went off. She picked up her phone and examined the text on her screen. She then typed something, and stood up, facing the other three on the bed.


      "Robin broke up with you."

     "What? No!" Lucina crosses her arms. "Shulk is coming to stay with us."

     "WHAT?!" All three yelled.

     "Yep. He's coming right now."

     "How long did you know this?!"

     "Right now."


      The door bell rang.


      The group of four walked out of the room and to the front door. Zelda opened the door.


      "SHULK!!" Everyone exclaimed. They all hugged and greeted Shulk.

     "Where do I put my stuff?" Shulk asked, lifting his bags over his shoulders. Lucina led him to another room downstairs where they were on the opposite side of Luci and Pat's rooms. They entered the room, and looked around.

      Everything was fine, until they looked up at one of the walls to see a navy blue spear in it.

     "How did that even get there?" Zelda muttered.

     "I'll get the ladder."



     "Marth stop leaning on the ladder!" Lucina yelled. She stood on the final step of the ladder, pulling on the spear trying to lodge it out.

     She struggled with it for about a minute before the door once again opened. Just then, the spear pulled out of the wall, but also caused Lucina to fall back.

     Marth, who was right below her, screeches and moved out of the way. Shoving past the blue haired... Feminine man, Shulk caught the girl.

      Just then the bedroom door opened.

      "Hey guys what're you do-" Robin stopped, examining what was going on. Behind him was also the rest of the group.

      Robin flared at Shulk, who still held Lucina in his arms.

     "What are you doi-!"

     "SHULK!!!!" Everyone ran to him, crowding around him.

      "It's nice to be here guys." Shulk said happily.

      "Yeah, yeah, it's nice. You can put me down now." Lucina said. Shulk set her down gently, and continued to greet everyone.

      "You realize we need to get him a bed and furniture and stuff, right?" Link whispered to Zelda.

     "Yeah! It's fine!" Zelda smiled at him.

     Link's face turned red, so he turned away quickly.

     Zelda thought for a minute, and then said, "I know you've been stressed lately."

     Link bit his lip.

     "How about we have dinner tonight? You know, to relax."

     Link froze. He turned to look at Zelda, who immediately look flustered.

     "I mean- Like! We don't have to! Like-"

     "No! No! I'd love to!" Link exclaimed, surprisingly not stuttering.

     "Alright! Can I choose the place?" Zelda asked.

     "Uh, sure!"

     "Alright then."

     "Alright! It's a date!" Link froze, realizing what he just said.

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