Daddy Issues

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       "So... Chrom... is coming over?"



      "Like... in 30 minutes?" Robin said.

       "WHAT?!" Palutena boomed into the room.

       "Yeah. In 30 minutes."

       "Such short notice."

       "Well I kinda told him he could, since he's my best friend..."

      "I don't think all of us should be here when he comes over," Peach said. "How about me, Roy, Marth, Ike Palutena, Robin, and Zelda stay here."


     "Everyone in this whole can be.... a handful."

     "Okay... I should go tell Lucina."

     "I'm sure she'll be happy to see her father, anyway."

     Ike, Robin, and Marth glanced at each other. Finally, Ike stated, "I'm, uh, not so sure about that. Their relationship is kinda... rocky."


      Before long, Ike, Marth, Robin, Roy, Palutena, Peach, and Lucina were the only ones home. They sent the others out to a boba place and to get groceries, which at minimum would take them three hours.

      "Lucina?! Come out here!" Marth called to his tiny baby.

      Lucina walked out of her room with her usual slouched posture. "Yeah?" She asked.

      "So I, uh, forgot to tell you, that—"

       Suddenly the doorbell rang. Lucina looked at Ike questioningly. Marth hesitantly went to open the door. Before he opened the door, he turned to the group and whisper yelled, "act natural."

      So Palutena and Ike flopped onto the couch. 

     Robin rushed to the counter and took out his book.

     Lucina joined Ike and Palutena on the couch.

     Roy put himself in a twerking position.

     Marth sighed and opened the door. 


      "Hey Marth."

     "Come in, my dear."

     Chrom came in, and instantly saw Robin.

      "Heeey Chrom!" Robin got up and greeted Chrom.

      "Hey buddy."

        Ike got up from the couch and shook chroma hand.

      "Uuh, hello Roy." Chrom awkwardly said  as he looked at Roy who still had his butt out.

     "Hey Chrom!" Roy said gleefully as he stated inter position.

     Chrom then looked over to the couch to see Lucina awkwardly standing there.

     "Lucina.. hello."

      "Hi..." Lucina replied, returning the awkward tone. She glanced to Palutena, who patted a spot next to her on the couch. Lucina quickly sat down on the couch, but heard Marth whisper to them to sit at the table with the others.

     "Hey Chrom!" Zelda called as she came downstairs from her room. Chrom waved to Zelda. 

     "Did you wanna have some tea with us?"

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