Person #12

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     "DAISY?!" Peach exclaimed, surprised that the girl came.

     "Yup." Daisy says bluntly with a small grin on her face.  Peach ran up to Daisy and hugged her tight, squealing with joy. She pulled away and held Daisy's hands, a gigantic smile plastered on her face.

     "Peach, what's all the noise?" Lucina called from her room.  Lucina and Robin walked out from Lucina's room to see what all the screaming was about. Then came Palutena, Samus, and Ike. They all gasped when they saw Daisy standing in the doorway, with Peach practically glued to her side. 

     "Hey hey hey!!" Samus said, walking up to the brunette and hugging her. "nice to have you!"

     "Yah," Lucina started. "Long time no see-"

     "A TWELFTH PERSON??" Marth shouted from upstairs. He flaunted down the staircase and walked up to Daisy, his hands on his hips. He stood looking at her with a straight face, until he finally broke a grin on his face. "DAISYYY!"

     Soon enough, everyone was there greeting her, hugging and shaking hands.

     "Lucina, which one is this? " Robin muttered to the blue-haired girl.

     "you don't remember her??" Lucina asked.

     "I somewhat do..."

     "So, what have you guys been up to lately?" Daisy asked, but abruptly stopped when she felt Peach repeatedly press against her side several side. "Uh, Peach..."




     "Uh, nothing."


     "We have been attac!" Pit exclaimed.

     "By what?" Daisy asked.

     "ME!" Link stepped in. "Well, Dark me, but still."

     "Dark Link?" Daisy asked, her tone shifting.

     "Yup." Link and Zelda said at the same time. They grinned at each other.



     "Nothin" Daisy replied. She walked past the group and sat at the dining table. She banged her fists against the table once. "I'm hungry."

     "Me too." Ike, Marth, and Lucina said at the same time.

     "The three bluenettes sat at the table and banged their fists on the table just like Daisy did.

     "I'll make PANCAKES!" Peach yelled, walking off into the kitchen.


     After the group ate, they all split off into their rooms. Everyone else was in their rooms as Palutena walked to her bedroom. She stopped at her door when she saw Lucina and Robin talking amongst each other. The goddess noticed that they were slightly more... Touchy with each other. Palutena started to feel her face heat up. Until the two kissed, not like it was their first time at all. 

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