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     "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Palutena asked.

     "Yah." Lucina answered. She looked to the barber at her right and said, "right above the shoulders."

     "You got it!" The barber said.

     It was early morning and Palutena took Lucina to get her hair cut, although the goddess didn't know that Lucina wanted her hair chopped that short. Palutena watched the barber grab scissors and begin to cut Lucina's hair.

     "Why do you want your hair so short?" Palutena asked.

     "It's not that short!" Lucina said.

     "Yeah! You should've seen the lady that came in yesterday!" The barber added. "She cut her hair to her chin!"

    "Huh..." Palutena mumbled.

     It was about 30 minutes later when the barber finally finished Lucina's hair. She walked to a small table and picked up a mirror and gave it to the blue haired girl, who now admired her newly-short hair.

     "Did you want your hair cut too?" The barber asked.

      "Huh? Oh! Uh, no. I'm fine." Palutena stammered, looking over her shoulder at her long, green hair.

     The girls finished up, paying the barber and then walking out of the small shop and to Palutena's car.

     The girls got into the car and Pit their seatbelts on. "Everyone is gonna SCREAM when they see your hair!" Palutena exclaimed.

     "They don't even know I got my hair cut at all, do they?" Lucina asked. Palutena shook her head and started backing out of the parking space.


     "Are you sure they're not hiding somewhere?"

     "Zel, we looked around the whole house. They're probably out right now!" Ike said.

     "Well, breakfast is almost done, and I don't want them to be late to eat..." Zelda mumbled.

     "They're fine..." Ike opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the door swinging open.

     "HONEY, I'M HOOOME!" Palutena shouted as she and Lucina walked into the house.

     "Ah, you guys are just in time for breakfa- LUCINA YOU GOT YOUR HAIR CUT?!" Zelda shouted.

     This caused everyone in the house to get up from where they were and see what the buzz was about.

     "Luc! This is life changing!" Marth yelled.

     Everyone started touching Lucina's hair. Lucina, uncomfortable, backed away from the hands and said, "where's my breakfast?"

     Zelda was putting plates with food on them on the table. "It's right here!"

     Zelda looked up at the group and said, "And remember, we're going to the pool today."

     "Why not the beach?" Pit asked.

     "Because we went to the beach a couple of chapters ago." Zelda answered. "C'mon, eat your breakfast so we can start getting ready soon."


     "Why are we at someone's house?" 

     "This is a friends house. They're out of town, and they said we can use their pool." Zelda answered.

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