Stuff On the Roof

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     "So? What do you guys think?" Zelda asked.

      The group(besides Link) stayed silent. They exchanged looks, they looked at their feet, until they all seemed to collect and look at Zelda.

     "So... You want us to set up a date, or whatever your calling it, for you and Link, on the roof?"

     "Well... Yeah! And we have that platform on the roof, so it won't be hard to do organize it up there, and I don't like the idea of Link paying his money for me when we have loads of stuff here."

     "..." Everyone looked at each other. "Eh, we got nothin better to do. Sure."

     Zelda smiled and clasped her hands together. "Yes! Thank you!"

     "Yeah, yeah, go put something nice on." Samus shooed her way to her room.


     "Be careful!!!!" Marth whined.

     Roy and Ike held a round table to attic where the entrance to the rooftop was. They slowly heave the table up to the roof, until finally, they set it down on the roof.

     "That was tiring!"

    "Roy, I practically held the table by myself. And you checked your phone twice!" Ike pointed out, annoyed.

     They stood by the table for a minute before Lucina came up carrying a bag of items. She stood at the table with the two others, and took something out of the bag. She set a candle down at the middle of the table, along with a glass vase. She took out a water bottle and poured it into a vase, and set a red rose in it.

      The trio looked at each other and each gave a nod of approval. The three them made their way back into the house.


     "Zelda, where are we going? And why aren't we taking the car?" Link asked, with Zelda's hands covering his eyes.

      "Uh- we're almost there, anyway, just hold on." Zelda answered. She walked them up into the attic, and went up to the roof.

      The two stood at the table, Zelda's hands still covering Link's eyes. She took them away, and said,


     Link opened his eyes to see the round table with two chairs on the opposite side, a candle, and a vase with a red rose in it.

      "I know... They kinda set it up in a... romantic kind of vibe... but-"

      "It looks great!" Link said. He sat at his seat, and so did Zelda. They sat and talked for a few minutes, until they heard footsteps ,make their way up to the roof.

      Daisy and Roy ran to the two, each with a piece of folded paper.

     "Your nenus." Roy said.

     "Wait, 'nenus'? its menus." Daisy corrected.

      "What? Its nenus."

     "Menus! Oh my god, is this how you've said it this whole time?"

      "Whatever!" Roy turned to the two sitting at the table. "Pick out your drinks and make it quick, I'm cold out here."

       Only a few seconds passed before Roy screamed, HURRY UP!"

      "My god, okay!" Link examined the menu with a raised eyebrow. "The only drinks on here are called Yellow Drink, Orange Drink, Blue Drink, and Purple Drink."

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