Jolly Roger Bay

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     "OOOH MY GOOOD!!" Roy screamed as they entered the world inside the painting.

     Everyone fell onto a stone ground. They were surrounded by a gigantic lake with obstacles and an entire ship on the other side of it.

     "Where's Peach?" Pit asked.

     "Can we go home?" Daisy asked.

     " I don't know Pit. And just wait Daisy, we won't be too long." Ike said. He scanned around the area in search of the princess.

     "There!" Lucina shouted, pointing to the ship on the other side of the lake.

     On the ship was Dark Link still holding Peach, with the same wide smile.

     "How do we get over there...." Ike mumbled.

     "Platforms." Lucina answered bluntly, again, pointing to a series of platforms leading to the ship.

       Palutena walked up to where Lucina and Ike were and said, "We'll take a shortcut." She picked up Lucina and let her wings come out. The goddess then proceeded to fly to a far platform.

     "C'mon guys." Ike said. He and the group jumped from platform to platform until they were only a couple of platforms away from where the girls were.

     Lucina turned to them. She was about to hold out her hand, until the platform fell under her feet. Palutena quickly floated up. Lucina fell into the water as soon as there was nothing under her feet.

     "LUCINA!"Robin shouted. Quickly, Ike stepped in front of him to see if the girl was okay. Soon enough, Lucina's head came up from out of the water.

     "Oh thank god..." Marth muttered.

     Lucina swam to where Palutena was, reaching her arm out to the goddess. Right before Palutena got her grasp, Lucina was pulled back under.

     "Oh, you know that ain't good." Daisy commented.

     Ike dove into the water. He looked to see where the girl was, until he saw it.

     "Guys!!!!" Ike yelled back to the others.

     "WHERE'S MY BABY??!!" Marth shrieked.

     "There's a big-ass eel down here!" Ike replied.


     Lucina struggled with the eel that had her by her leg. Lucina banged her fists against it's head, but nothing seemed to work. Until finally, She grabbed her sword and struck the eel in between the eyes. She turned away when she saw blood draw from the cut. Lucina quickly swam back up to the surface. Her head popped back up, and not too far from where she was was Ike.

     "IKE!" She yelled, swimming over to him.

     Ike grabbed the girl, and without hesitation, threw her back up onto the platform. He swam forward, where a small sand area was, where he climbed back up to the others.

     Link shoved passed everyone and ran ahead of the group.

     "Link!" Zelda yelled after him.

     "This ends now!" Link yelled, making his way to the Dark.

      He reached Dark Link, and they proceeded to fight.

     They continued, until Link was thrown to the ground. He lay there, holding his right rib cage. Above him, Dark Link pointed his sword. He got in a ready position.

      He was about to stab the boy on the ground until he dropped it suddenly. Link peered up. Dark Link went limp. Inside the Dark's chest was a sword. It slid out of his chest. Behind him was Ike, along with the rest of the gang.

     Link stared at the dead body that lay in front of him. He looked to his side to see Peach get up from another place on the ship and to the group.

     Link was surprised by how quick it was.

     "Th-thanks." Link mumbled.

     "All in the day's work." Ike said.

     " This is probably a bad time to say this, but Link, I didn't know you have a stutter!" Daisy butted in.

     Link's face fell into his palms.

     "Come on, we're heading home." Zelda said firmly.

     "BUT ZEELL!!!" Pit, Roy, and Daisy whined.

     "Come on."


     "What a day!" Roy shouted as he got onto the RV.

     "I know. That was all in a day?" Peach asked.

     "Yup." Ike said as he started up the car.

     "Now could we do normal things we do in other Wattpad stories?" Daisy asked.

     "Yes, but we must adress the elephant in the room." Ike declared. He paused for dramatic effect. "ROBIN, LUCINA, HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US?!"

     That one statement drove everyone into a frenzy. Lucina chuckled lightly, while Robin's whole face went RED. Palutena forced a smile and played along.

     "KISS, KISS, KISS," Peach started chanting, soon everybody else did aswell.

     Lucina dropped her face in her hand, and in defeat, quickly kissed Robin on the cheek.

     Everyone screamed and Robin turned even more RED.

     Palutena stayed silent while everyone else went crazy fangirl over it. She felt the same nasty feeling in the pit of her stomach again. 'God, I AM jealous...' She thought.


     "Can we go shopping?" Peach asked.

     "Tomorrow, Peach." Ike answered.

     "And try the new ice cream place!" Pit added.

     "Again, tomorrow."

     Palutena and Lucina joined in, saying, "DISNEY CLASSICS BINGE!!"

     Ike let out a small chuckle. "Tomorrow."

     "Aight!!!" Peach, Pit, Palutena, and Lucina exclaimed.

     "Alright guys, rest your crazy bones for the drive." Ike said, turning on the radio.


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