Actual Final A/N

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Woah! It's been a long time since I've been in this place!

So how are things goin?

So let's get to business.

I just finished that short story, and you know what that means.....

S E Q U E L ! ! !

Yep! Finally, the sequel's first chapter will release on October 14.

And I plan for the sequel to be just as long as this story, maybe even longer. Who knows I've been brainstorming ideas ever since the third to last chapter,

Anyways, I hope you guys tune in for the sequel.

I know it's been kind of a long time but I just needed a break... but I was still writing though.

Is it okay if I talk about the story? I did this in my other book, so why not.

What I mostly wanted was for giving characters different arcs and characteristics, such as Link's anxiety, Lucina's mental health issues, and Palutena having to deal with the girl she loves fall in love with someone else.

Can I talk about that last part?

Yeah. I wanted representation. But I didn't want the arc to be centered around the fact that she had to deal with being gay, since I feel that's been done so many times, I really just wanted that part to be normal when it came to this story. But I'm not saying that people aren't having to deal with being LGBT, don't worry. I'm not stupid.

I also feel like there was a lot of experimenting throughout the book.

Like the first chapter, I really dislike. Even the second and third chapter a little bit, since I had no idea about the the character arcs and how the story would go, so comparing that to later chapters made them be so out of character.

Even with the plot too!
I remember there were a couple chapters centered around the group trying to find Dark Link. And I realized, that's not what I wanted.. like, at all. I wanted the conflict to be emotion, something that people could relate to.

And I think that's all I have to say about this book.

Anyways... yeah! That's all.

A final goodbye to this story.

*blows kiss*

Good bye, and I hope you'll like the sequel.


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