Our Time Together.

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     "Sure Pit, what do you want to talk about?" Palutena asked, making room for Pit to sit next to her on her bed. Pit slowly walked over to her and sat down.

     Palutena silently waited for an answer as Pit hesitated to speak. 'Do I need to talk about this with her?' He thought. 'I guess I should...' 

     "So... Ike was talking to Robin... And Ike talked to me...."

     "Yes?" Palutena asked. "Go on."

     "And... Ike.... uh, told me that you, um, seem to not like Robin for some r-reason?" Pit paused. "And Ike asked me, to talk to you, about why that is... And, I think I may've picked up on the reason why..."

     Palutena's smile faded, and she turned away and stared at her feet.

     "Lady Palutena-"

     "You could just say Palutena."

     "Palutena..." He paused once again. "Are... Are you in love with Lucina?" He quickly said. 

     Palutena looked back at Pit with an almost sad expression. She hesitated to speak.

     "Sorry! Sorry! Thats a private question, I just thought that we should-"

     "I do."

     Pit stayed silent. "I'm sorry if you felt forced to tell me that, I just thought that we should've talked about it."


     "I think it was just the fact that you like girls...-"

     "I don't like girls I'm in love with a girl." Palutena quickly said. "But...  She doesn't..."

     Palutena stopped for a few seconds, but then continued, saying, "I mean, she loves Robin. And Robin loves her. All we are... Is friends. But I love her."


     "Robin wasn't there for her! I was! She told me everything! And only until a few weeks ago Robin started giving a crap about her! He even started dating another girl, and just... Changed his mind and cared for Lu." Palutena said, her tone sounding more angrier. Palutena stared at the wall for a minute, but then dropped her face in her hands.

     Pit scooted closer to her and hugged her. 

     The girl looked up, her face now tear-stained. "But... It's fine. Getting to talk to her. Getting to care... Getting to help her..."

     "Help her?" Pit questioned.

     "Her mental health wasn't the best... But she's better now." Palutena managed a smile, and looked at Pit. "Its fine." Her smile was now real.

     Pit smiled, and asked, "Do you need some time to yourself?"

     Palutena nodded.

     Pit proceeded to walk out of the room, and slowly closed the door behind him. He walked back into the kitchen where Ike was.

     "So what was it?" Ike asked.

     "It was just something about the past... But she's fine." Pit lied, knowing that he didn't have Palutena's consent to tell the truth.

~~T H E  N E X T  D A Y~~

     "Lunch is ready!" Zelda called, setting down several plates of food on the table.

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