I Tried to Talk to Him

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      "Come in guys!" Ike called from the backyard. "I have the barbecue set up!"

       Everyone came from their rooms and the living room and out to the backyard. Oliver ran out to the backyard while managing to make Marth trip over him.

       "Lucina get your damn dog!" Marth yelled.

     "Stop being so mean to him!!!"

     Everyone was out in the backyard now, Roy and Pit throwing around a red disc, Peach, Marth, and Daisy discussing the movie Mean Girls, And Lucina And Palutena chasing each other around the yard.

      Zelda sat on one of the beach chairs while Samus rambled on about how she didn't get any sleep last night. She kept glancing over to Link, wondering if now was the time she should talk to him.

      Zelda finally said, "Uh, I'll be right back, Sam."

     "Yeah. Okay." Samus said, not even looking up at her.

     Zelda walked up to Link, and awkwardly tapped him on the shoulder.

     Link turned around. "Z-Zel?"

      Zelda hesitated to talk for a few seconds, before she said, "Can we talk?"

      "About what?"

      "I think you, uh, know what we need to talk about."

      The two walked to the side of the house where no one else was.

     "I just need to know.... what exactly do you and Malon do when you guys hang out?"

     "Nothing really."

      "Can you give me a more thorough answer?"

      "I mean, she just drags me around to places. Why are you asking?"

      Zelda felt as if she was going to explode, but instantly held it in. "I'm asking because you and her go places... a lot. It just... makes me worry?"

      "There's Nothing really to worry about. And we don't go out a lot."

      "I can literally go two days and only see you for an hour!"

     " her and I are just friends. Don't worry." 

     Link then walked away to the others, leaving Zelda by herself. She sighed, and combed through her hair with her fingers. She then walked back to the others, too.

     "So?" Samus walked up to her. "How'd it go?"

      "He barely gave me an actual answer! All the times I've tried to talk to him he mananges to shoo me off!"

      Samus but her lip. "Uh, oh..."

      "I know-"

      They suddenly heard the doorbell ring. The two walked into the house. Samus stayed by the couch as Zelda went to the front door. She unlocked it and opened the door.



     "Hey, what're you doing here?" Zeld asked.

      "I came to get Link. Where is he." Malon said almost in a commanding way.

      Zelda groaned. "Let me get him. Sam, ca you make sure she stays at the door and not to link's room or something?"

     "Heh, sure."

      Zelda walked out and stood at the back door. "Link."

     Link turned to her. 

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