Breakfast and Stuff

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     "Hey you two!!" Palutena shouted at Link and Zelda who just entered the kitchen. The goddess said it in a certain way that made it sound like the 'two' were together, which made both of the blondes blush. The goddess grinned from ear to ear.

     "PALUTENA!!!?" Peach shouted from the couch.

     "YESSSSS?????" Palutena replied.




      "We ran out..."  Robin called out.

     Peach whined.

     They all ate their breakfast, although Palutena sat with Lucina at the couch, watching Adventure Time. But while everyone ate at the table, there was a certain tension.

     "Listen," Robin started. "I know we're all still kind of shaken about what happened-"

     "Well no duh..." Ike said.


     "Keep talking lover-boy..." Ike SNAPPED.

     Robin glared at Ike. "But, we should be ready for when those things-"

     "They're called Darks." Zelda butted in.

     "Oh my god..." Robin muttered.

     "Sorry go on."

     "You know what, just eat, I was done anyway..."



     Later that day, Zelda walked upstairs to her room. She closed the door behind her, and walked to her window. She opened it, and looked outside into the sky. She loved how happy the sky looked today. She smiled to herself. She grabbed a book from a shelf in the corner of the room, and plopped onto her bed. She got lost in the book, like she always does. She loved reading, since it always took her to different places where she could relax and get away from all the troubles in her world. She got a few book recommendations from Robin, which she made a mental note to get the books.

     The girl happily read the book.


      But while she read, something was watching her.

     It looked at her outside of the window, hanging onto the roof above the it. It quietly stepped onto the window, and then down onto the floor. It crept to her, until it stood right at the side of the bed.  It stood there, looking at the girl who was oblivious to what was going on.

     The thing leaned over her, and quickly put it's hand over the girl's mouth. Zelda tried to scream out, but was muffled over the hand. The girl turned, now facing the thing. She looked into the same red eyes from the other night.

     Dark Link dropped her to the floor but quickly grabbed her by her hair. The girl screamed out, crying for help.

     Dark dragged her to the window, and then picked her up.


     Link sat with Ike and Robin in the kitchen, cleaning up the plates from breakfast.

     "What should we do today???" Ike asked.

     "Uh, nothing?! Those Dark things might come back." Robin said firmly.


     Link butted in, "Still, idiot, those things could come back."

     "Oh, yeah..."

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