Making Decisions

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     Zelda sat alone in her room, still thinking about what the the girls had said.

     'I trust him, I trust him, I trust him,' Zelda repeated in her head. She only stared up at the ceiling, not knowing what to do. She didn't feel like talking to anyone, hell, she didn't even feel like reading.

     "I'm freaking out over nothing..." She quietly said to herself. There was about a minute more of complete silence before she heard a knock at her door.

      "Z-Zel?" The voice paused. "It's Link..."

     She suddenly felt her heart race. 'I don't want to talk right now...' Zelda panicked. She scrambled for her phone, and quickly texted Samus.

Zelda: Sam, tell Link I'm not here right now..

Samus: Ok??????

      Samus walked out of her room and through the hallway, where she saw Link at Zelda's door.

      "Uh, Link?"

     Link turned to Samus. "Y-yeah?"

      "Uh, Zel isn't here right now... she went out for a few hours."

      "Oh..." Link stood for a moment, before he retreated downstairs.


     Roy ran up to Link and instantly put his arm around his shoulders. "Tell Shulk that I am a man!"


      "I AM A MAN!"

     "Roy, please," Shulk walked in front of him. "People say 'Roy's our boy', not our man."


      "Heheh... hey, where's Pit?" Link asked.

       "Huh? Oh, he's with Palutena right now. I think checking on her or something." Shulk answered.

      "Is she sick or something?"

      "I don't know."

     "Are they planning a party or something?"

     "I don't know."

      "Okay I get it."

     "I don't know."



     Pit had now grabbed a beach chair to use for his, 'therapist chair'.

     "Alright, Lady Palutena."

     "I told you that you can just say Palutena."

     "Eh," Roy leaned back in his chair. "So the root of the problem is jealousy."

     "P-pretty much..." Palutena said uncomfortably.

     "And that's completely fine! It's better to face your emotions than rather stuffing them away so people can't see!"

      "But not hiding my emotions is part of the problem! Lucina can see that something's wrong, and I can't say what's the problem!"

     Pit was now out of ideas of what to say.

     "You know what, I can take it from here."

     "Huh?" Pit asked.

     "I think I need some alone time."

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