Things get spicy?????????????????????????????????????

448 16 28

     Zelda walked around the living room, examining some areas of the room. She looked for her book, one that was given to her on her birthday by her aunt. She got slightly frantic, running out of the room and searching all around the house. She felt her heart get heavy as she felt her eyes get heavy, too. 

     She had been searching for over 10 minutes with no luck. She finally stopped, and sat at the dining table by herself. She looked down at the table and put her arms around her head. She remembered how much that book meant to her, calling back to the look on her Aunt Impa's face as she gave her the book.

     She felt herself panic.


     Zelda turned her head to the voice. Link stood at the bottom of the staircase. Noticing how frantic and stressed she looked, Link ran to her.

     "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen back in Hyrule? Did someone die-"

     "No, no, no..." Zelda turned away from him. "I lost my book." She mumbled.

    The panic that formed in Link suddenly went away. 'A book? '

     "It was important to me.." She mumbled, burrying  her head in her arms.

     "Th-the one Impa gave you?"

     "Yes." She said softly.

     He paused for a moment, thinking of what he could do. "You looked everywhere?" Zelda nodded. He looked around the room for a second, and then looked back at her. He saw her eyes get watery. "Don't cry, don't cry!" The panic began to rise in him as he put his arm around her shoulders.

    He had her get up from the chair she sat on and walked her over to the couch. He sat her down, and pulled her slightly closer to him.

    It was silent for a moment.

    Zelda looked up at Link. Link's face flushed into a red color. They stayed like that for a few seconds, just looking at each other.

    Zelda then inched her face closer to his. Link no longer felt panicked, and did the same. They're faces were barely apart anymore, 

     but before either of them could move any further,


    Ike screamed from upstairs.


    The two sighed, annoyed by the disruption. 

    "BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT." Marth yelled as he followed Ike downstairs. "What I'm trying to say is that YOU need to step your game up with Samus."

     "It's not even going anywhere?!"

     "And who's fault is that??" 

    "Uh, guys?" Link called from the couch. Ike and Marth turned their heads to Link and Zelda.

    "Uh-" Marth got cut off by his phone buzzing. He checked it.

    "Oh no.."

    "What?" Ike asked.

     "Roy, Daisy and Pit are in trouble."

     "Oh god.."

     "No, its not something they did, the store is just being robbed right now. It's fine."

    "WHAT?!" Ike, Zelda, and Link yelled all at once.

     "Yeah, they're held captive in the store right now, but they're fine."

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