Coping with it...

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The next morning, Lucina fluttered her eyes open, still slightly sore from the brawl last night. She still felt little pains from the cuts on her sides, and her face felt sore. She felt something holding her hand. She turned her head to the side to see Robin there, fallen asleep with his head resting on the couch. She smiled that warm smile to herself. She turned her head back, now facing the ceiling. She pondered about what would happen next and if anyone would get hurt. Or maybe even something worse. Her thoughts were cut off suddenly when she felt Robin's hand slowly release from her's. She turned to him, with him looking back at her. He reached his hand out to brush the hair out of her face. Lucina smiled. He got up from being seated to the floor, to seating himself on the couch by her legs.

Lucina slowly got up, but stopped abruptly when she felt a sudden ache in her side. She yelped out.

"Just lay down..." Robin paused. "Okay?" He looked at the girl with raised eyebrows. Lucina nodded, slowly laying back down.

"You hungry?" Robin asked, changing the subject while lightening the mood.

The girl thought for a second, and then said, "Yah, I could eat."

Robin smiled and got up from the couch. He kissed the girl's forehead and proceeded into the kitchen.

Just then, Zelda entered the room. Robin watched from the kitchen as the blonde comforted Lucina. He smiled to himself, before continuing to cook some GOOD GOOD BREAKFAST.

Zelda walked over into the kitchen.

"Don't let the girl get up from the couch today." Zelda said firmly. "I want her to rest," She said, not looking at Robin but getting eleven plates out.

"I know, don't worry" The tactician replied. A minute later, he noticed Link walk into the room. Link quickly looked at Zelda, who seemed to be busy. He then walked to the large dining room table and pulled out a chair.

Noticing Link, Zelda looked at the boy. She walked to his side, and they proceeded to talk.

"Zelda..." He mumbled.

"Yes?" The girl replied.

"Could... Could we talk alone for a minute?"

"Sure. Come on..." She gestured him to follow, and they walked into the backyard. Zelda closed the backdoor behind her, and then looked up at Link.

"What do you want to talk about?" The girl asked. Her pleasant and happy tone made the boy smile. But it quickly faded.

Link looked from her to the ground with a worried expression. " I just... I just don't want this to happen..."

"I know, I know..." Zelda said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We won't let anybody get themselves hurt—"

"BUT DID YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED?!" Link suddenly shouted. Zelda was taken aback, startled by his tone. The boy quickly calmed down.

"I'm sorry... It's just... I feel like... Like we're going to lose someone..." Link softened.

Zelda immediately thought back to her dream. "Well, then we'll... I'll make sure that doesn't happen" The girl said, putting a fist to her heart.

This made Link smile. "We'll, make sure that doesn't happen. I don't want you to think that it's only you're duty to make sure everyone is safe..." Link said, putting both of his hands on the girl's shoulders. He said this with a worried expression.

"And there's one more thing—"

"GUYS, BREAKFAST!!!" They heard Pit shout from the inside of the house. The two looked at the angel boy, and back at each other. The both smiled and shrugged as they walked into the house.

Link stopped in the kitchen to get a drink. He then looked at Zelda.

"Or maybe I just don't want to lose you..." Link mumbled, still looking at the girl.

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