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"We're home!!" Palutena yelled as she walked into the house with Pit and Lucina behind her.

"How was the beach?" Marth asked.

"Kind of traumatizing..." Lucina mumbled.

"Yeah... Right at the entrance there was a dead animal, so we had to stop because it made Pit tear up." Palutena sat down at the table. "But we picked up Dark Pit before we went so Pit could have a playmate. And we met Corrin and Shulk there too."



"So...." Roy walked up to Palutena and Lucina. "Did you guys take pics in your swimsuits?"

"Mmmmm, no. But Pit took a selfie with Dark Pit!" Lucina replied sheepishly.

"Yeah yeah, you had a fun day without us." Marth sassed.

"We asked you guys if you wanted to come!"

"Yeah, I know..." Marth paused as he rested his head on the table. "We should do something today..."

"Marth, its 6:30 PM...."

"Okay fine, tomorrow."

"Like what?"


"Hiking!" Daisy walked into the room with a smile on her face.

"Hmm... Yeah! We should go!" Lucina looked back at everyone else. "How does that sound?"

"Peach and Marth won't make the first six steps!"

"We'll do a flat trail."


"Alright! We go first thing in yhe morning."

Daisy, Roy, Pit, Peach, and Marth looked at each other. "IN THE MORNING?!"


Lucina set down a full food and water bowl for the dog and it's toys. She had called Shulk so he could come and take care of Oliver while they went on the hike, which he was fine with.

"Luc, I agree with you about everything, but can we not go this early?" Robin asked as he poured himself coffee.

"Relax. You could sleep in the RV!" Lucina checked the time. "Its only 7:15! C'mon." Lucina motioned out the door to the RV, where everyone else was getting to their usual seats.

The two sat down, and immediately, Robin's head drooped, resting on top of Lucina's head. She smiled, and relaxed into her seat as the car started to drive.

"So you have everything you need?"

"Yes Link, I'm fine." Zelda answered.

"A-are you sure? You got a water, and stuff like that?"

"Yes, Link. You don't need to worry... Besides, Lucina knows to pack extra stuff for me and the others just in case."

"Yeah... Alright."

"Okay.... Maybe you should rest for the drive? You seem kind of tired." Zelda suggested.

"Mmmmm.... Okay..." Link slumped in his seat and closed his eyes.


"How long is this gonna take???" Peach complained. "I think I'm cramping!!"

"Peach we just got out of the RV."


The group stood in a parking lot that led into a green, woods. There were several other groups of people that walked onto the trail in the woods, so the group followed.

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