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     "Heeey Pat!" Lucina said as she walked into the goddess' room.

     "Heeey Lucy Loo!" Pat called back.

      Lucina walked over to Palutena who sat on her bed. Lucina laid down next to her, asking, "Whatcha doin?"

     "Updating my story."

     "On Snapchat?"

     "No, like writing a new part for my story."

     "... This is getting meta..."

      "I know, right?"

       The girls continued in silence before they heard stomping footsteps outside the door.


     "COME ON GUYS!"

      The two went out, along with everyone else."

     "Where are we goin?" Shulk asked.

     "To get groceries." Marth answered.


     "Because, we used the rest of our 'actual' food for Zelda and Link's date- I mean, 'dinner', and all we have is juice, sauces and Chex Mix."

     "LETS LIVE OFF CHEX MIX!" Lucina yelled.

     "No, we are getting groceries. Everyone in the vehicle, Ike, you drive."

     "Like the usual..." Ike muttered.


     The group just got back from the grocery shopping, and pulled up in the driveway. They piled out of the car, before Samus looked to the front door.

     "Uuuh, who left the door open?"

     Everyone turned their heads to Peach.

     "What?! I didn't know that we need to lock the door!"

     "Peach, if we leave the door open or even unlocked, we could get robbed." Lucina declared.

     "Hey what's that?" Pit asked, pointing towards the door.

     The group turned their heads back to the door, to see several raccoons in the doorway.

     "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Peach, Marth, Pit, and Roy screamed.

     "I DIDN'T KNOW!!!"

     They rushed to the front door, and immediately, Link grabbed a broom at the side of the door and shooed the raccoons away. There were a couple of shrieks, but nothing too bad...

     "Why do you need the sword, Link? You could just use the broom!" Roy exclaimed.

     "I make anything work." Link boasted.

     "Oh my god there's more." Daisy said. 

     They looked back in the house to see ANOTHER RACCOON scurry into Palutena's room.

     Palutena froze. "GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!"

     "I'LL GET IT FOR YOU, LADY PALUTENA!!!!" Pit rushed to her room, but immediately let out a huge scream and fell back, leaning against the room.


     Everyone ran to Palutena's room.


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