Road Trip Pt. 2:Field Trip

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     "Alright, guys..." Ike said to everybody that was on the RV. He counted the number of people that were in the car. "Twelve. Good". He sat in the driver's seat and started up the engine.

     "Ike, you know someone else could drive if you want! You drove us the whole time when we were on that road trip..." Lucina suggested from the back of the bus.

     "Yeah, you could have Marth drive, or something." Samus added.

     "Gasp!" Marth exclaimed. "Me? Drive all of you? For several hours? Nuh-uh." 

     Ike chuckled. "Marth has a point. He would make us crash, and I still gotta return this thing." Ike started to pull off of the driveway and make his way down the road.

    "How long IS the drive to the Mushroom Kingdom?" Palutena asked as she combed through her hair. 

     Peach thought about it for a minute. Then came with the answer, "Three hours."

     "THREE HOURS???" Ike, Palutena, Samus, Lucina, and Marth shouted.

     "Peach, your kingdom is under attack right now, we can't take THREE HOURS!" Lucina shouted.

     "Well, its not necessarily under attack..." Peach mumbled.

     "Then whats going on?" Pit asked, joining in the conversation.

     "There's just a black ship hovering over the kingdom right now! Toad said it looked like an enemy force, or whatever... Should I ask him whats going on right now?" Peach asked, taking her phone out.

     "Yes, Peach." Samus said.

     "Alright." Peach called Toad and waited. After a few seconds she got an answer. "... Hey Toad! Uh, so, what's going on with that ship-thingy right now?.......Uh-uh... Yeah... Okay. Well we're gonna take a while, but call if it comes back before we get there." Peach finished and hung up.

     "So? Whats going on?" Robin asked, taking his eyes off of his book.

     "The ship left, or at least went out of sight..." Peach answered.

     "Alright, so your Toads aren't dying right now." Ike said jokingly.

     "IKE!!! YOU'RE SCARING ME!!!" Peach whined.

     "Alright, alright, now settle back down, we have a long time until we get there." 


     "Hey, Pit" Roy whispered.


     "I'm bored."

     "Spectacular." Pit yawned and checked his phone.

     "Lets annoy someone!" Roy whisper-yelled.

     "Who?" Pit quickly got up.

     Roy just pointed to Link. They looked at each other and grinned. Pit skipped to Link who was at the small table with Robin, Lucina, and Samus. Pit let himself sit next to Samus and Link and made himself comfortable.

     "So, Link?" Pit asked innocently.

     "Yeah?" Link asked, looking out the window.

     "So, uh, when are you ever gonna tell Zelda that you-" Pit was cut off abruptly.

     "PIT, LOOK HORSES!!!" Link said, catching Pit off-guard.

     "OOH, WHERE?!" Pit yelled, looking out of a nearby window.

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