Shopping For Da Doggy

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     "ROY DON'T YOU DARE!" Marth screamed.

     "I'm just gonna take Oliver outside!" Roy replied, standing by the door.

     "Not without a leash!" Marth pushed Roy to the dining table and sat him down.

     "And Roy, we're gonna go to Petco in a few minutes anyway!" Lucina said as she walked in the room.

     "All twelve of us? Plus the dog?" Roy asked.


     "So get your shoes on." Marth said. "Do you need me to tie them?"

      "No I'm a big boy." Roy walked over to his pair of shoes and put them on.

     Ike came in the room and stood next to Marth.

       "He's growing up so fast..." Marth said.

     "Marth, he's not your baby..." Ike muttered.

     "ALRIGHT GUYS! LETS SET OFF!" Lucina shouted, her command echoing through the house. Quickly after, everyone got out of their rooms and head to the dining table.

     "Do we still have the RV?" Samus asked.

     "Yup! I won a bet a few days ago, so we get to keep it!" Ike replied.

     "Alright." Marth paused. "Lets go! Lucina, hun, do you gave the dog? Kay, good." Marth was the last one out, shutting the front door behind him.

     Everyone piled into the RV once again, getting into their usual spots, along with Ike driving the crew as always. He started the car, and backed out of the driveway.
     Oliver ran around, exploring the RV and finding things he could chew on. Just as he found a half-eaten bar of chocolate, Lucina snatched it out of his mouth.

     "Roy!" Lucina exclaimed. The red-head looked at her confused, until she pointed to the chocolate that she held in her other hand.

     "Oh... Uh, sorry." Roy said, embarrassed.


     "Alright! Lets get the crap for the dog." Marth said, pointing forward towards several shelves of dog food.

     The group walked to one isle, where the bags of dog food were.

     "Which one do we get?..." Daisy asked.

     "Do we get the one for small dogs?"

     Everyone turned to Peach.

     "Peach! Does our dog look like a small dog?!" Samus asked, pointing to the dog, whose hight was just above Lucina's knee.

     "Elder dog?"

     "He's like, 3 months old." Ike said, Lucina nodding in the background.
     "Okay.... Large dog!" Peach grabbed a blur bag of food, but as soon as she lifted it in her arms, she, and the bag, dropped because of the weight of it.

     Ike walked to the bag of food, and without trying, picked it up in one hand, carrying it like a rag-doll. Peach, along with everyone else, gawked at him.


     "Yes Marth?"

     "Can you carry me in your other arm?!" Marth blurted out.

     "Uuh, how 'bout later, that way, you could help me with something." Ike turned to Lucina. "You too." Lucina nodded her head.

     "Alright, lets split off. Ike, Samus, get treats and stuff. Roy, Daisy, and Pit, you guys go get toys." The trio all 'hoorayed'. "Palutena, Lucina.... Go find some interesting stuff." The girls nodded their heads.

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