The Start of Something Bad

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     "M-Malon, slow down!"

     "Come on! The store is closing soon and I wanna check it out!"

     "Ugh, okay, okay..."

      Malon dragged Link  by the hand to a small store. They ran into the store, and Malon instantly ran through every isle searching for something to buy. Link awkwardly followed her, still uncomfortable and frantic to get back home. The two spent about five minutes looking around the store before they gave up and started walking out.

      "Okay. What should we do now?" Malon asked.

      "Can we just go home? It's really late, and one of my friends are kinda in need of support right now?"

       "Oh, please! That friend can wait, I'm sure it's nothing serious."

      "I-I mean i-it is..." 

       "But, what do you wanna do?" Malon stopped walking and turned to Link.

       "I really, really, would like to go home..."


       The two started to walk back to the house, with Malon still babbling about how she's been lately and some other junk Link wasn't listening to. He made the two walk a little faster, still eager to get back home. Before long, they were at the front door of the house.

        "I had fun!"

        "M-me too..." Link lied.

      "What are you doing tomorrow?"

       "I think, me... and the others, were gonna go to the carnival tomorrow? So.... I'm busy..."

       "It's fine,"Malon said. "I'll meet you there!"

      'Oh my god...' Link thought.

       Without saying anything else, Malon skipped off, leaving Link alone on the doorstep. He let out a long sigh, and fished out a key from his pocket.

        He opened the door.

        "Hey guys, what're you watchi-" Link stopped when he looked over to Roy, Ike, and Lucina sitting on the counter with Lucina's computer.

        "Hey, Link." Roy said coldly. "How was your date?"

         "I-it wasn't a date."

        The three at the counter exchanged annoyed looks and said, "Sure."

         "Is Zelda awake?"

          "No she's sleeping."

          "How do you know?"

         "She told us."


         "Go to bed, you're gonna be cranky tomorrow when we go to the cranival."

         "Kay... Good night."

         "Shut up we're busy."



       "MARTH, SHUT UP. WE'RE SLEEPING!" Ike screamed.

       "We're going to the cranival. Right now!" Marth called.

        There were groans heard throughout the house as everyone slowly got up. 20 minutes passed before everyone came out of their rooms.

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