Lovely Gesture

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"Okay you two, do you understand what I mean?"

"YES IKE, you explained it like, four times." Marth sassed.

"We gotcha covered." Lucina winked at Ike.

"Alright. Then lets hurry up and get to the town, and Lucina, we're taking your car." Ike said as he led the two to the front door.

"Ya got it, toots." Lucina said, chuckling.

Just before the three walked out the door, they heard someone yelling their names.

"GUYS I WANNA COME!" Roy yelled as he ran to the trio.

Ike groaned and said, "Alright..." He looked over to Robin who was sitting on the couch. "Did you wanna come too, Robin?"

"Sure." Robin got up from the couch and to the group of four.

"Alright." Ike paused and took a step out the door. "Lets go."


"Wait, what are we shopping for?" Robin asked.

"Stuff...." Ike mumbled.

"For SAMUS-"

"Lucina I swear to god!" Ike quickly cut her off, but was too late.

"Ah, for Samus? About time we make this ship sail." Roy commented.

"Yeah, we even made Samike poster boards!" Lucina showed a picture on her phone of several posters that rad, 'Samike!'.

"Aaaaaw, my babies are crafting!" Marth doted.

"What type of chocolate does Samus like?" Ike asked, looking over a shelf of chocolate.

"dark chocolate."

"Luc, thats your favorite."

"Whatever... I think she likes M&Ms."

"Can I just get Hershey's, then?" Ike asked.

"I dunno. Sure."

"Aight, then." Ike grabbed the chocolate from the shelf and put it under his arm. "What should we get next?"

Marth and Lucina looked at each other and then screamed, "FLOWERS!"

"Alright!! And stop screaming in here! Marth, I thought you were the mother!"

"Not when you're around." Marth winked.

"ugh, c'mon..." Ike muttered, leading the group around the store.

As they walked to the flowers, Marth asked, "Lets make a bet."


"Okay." Marth paused and looked at the other four. "When will Zelda and Link hook up?"

Everyone thought about it. Until Ike came up with the answer, "Marth, thats one of the hardest questions you've asked."

"Well.. Yeah!" Marth paused. "But look at Robin and Lucina! We didn't think they were going anywhere, but now they're a lovely couple!"

"You make a point, Marth." Lucina stated.

"Yeah, yeah. So, roses, right?" Ike looked over the bouquets of flowers.


"Okay... Yellow roses?"

"Yellow roses? Ha! That doesn't scream 'FRIENDZONE!' at all!" Marth pointed to another bouquet. "Red."

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