Later That Night

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The group stared at the dark figure that stood in the doorway. Quickly snapping back to reality, Link took his hands off of Zelda's shoulders, and charged at the dark, taking his sword out of his sheath at his waist. He jumped up, attacking Dark Link from above. Dark quickly blocked him with his own sword, and then looked at the boy, his red eyes piercing through the other boys blue eyes. The two suddenly heard a yell that came at them.

"RAAAAAAAH!" Ike yelled, coming at Dark Link with his aether out and ready, then came Marth at his side. Ike went for his upper body, but got blocked by Dark's sword, but as that happened, Marth quickly took this time to slash Dark Link in his leg, making him fall in his knees. He screamed out, but quickly slashed his sword in front of the three, making them quickly step back. Dark quickly ran out of the room. The three stood in a slight shock. But quickly after, Lucina pushed past them, sighing madly, annoyed with the three boys. She ran after the dark and yelled out,

"COWARD!!" She took out the knife from earlier and chased the man. Everyone else followed.

They ran down the stairwell, and saw Dark Link. He only looked at them, his wicked smile gone, now replaced with an emotionless look. They suddenly felt the ship shake. They realized what was happening. The ship was going to take off.

"We need to get off of this thing." Ike declared.

"What about Dark Li-"

"Nevermind him! C'mon!" Ike gestured everyone off the ship.

"We're gonna regret this later..." Lucina muttered.

The group jumped off the ship, and ran back to the motorhome. Soon enough, they reached the vehicle, and hopped him. Ike stood at the drivers seat and counted everyone, and sighed a sigh of relief when he counted all eleven people. He started up the motorhome and drove off. As they drove, they saw the ship take off.

Everyone was in shock.

"That.... That was somewhat fast..." Roy sputtered.

"I know... I expected that event to be the whole story for this chapter." Lucina said.


"Nothing, Roy."

" WE ALL COULD'VE DIED, GUYS!!!" Peach shouted. "Especially you, Zel"

"Yeah, I'm glad we found you..." Link said, looking at Zelda. Zelda smiled at him. There was a silence, Link looked at everyone, who was all staring at the two.

"GUYS?!" Link shouted. Everyone quickly muttered sorry.

Ike sighed, and said, "just get some rest guys, its been a long night, and thank god its over.

Everyone got comfortable, at the table, the seats, some on the bunk bed. Samus got up from her seat and went to the seat next to Ike.

"Crazy, huh?" Samus asked, yawning.
"Yup, get some rest." Ike said, taking his right hand and patting the girl's shoulder. Without hesitation, Samus nodded, and got comfortable in her seat.

In the back of the motor home, Robin and Lucina sat together, the girl looking out the window. Robin looked at the girl.
"Lucina..." He lightly whispered to the girl.
She turned to him. "Yeah?"

He only looked at the girl. "... You okay?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

Robin pointed at the girls fore-arm. Lucina remembered the cuts on her arm. She looked at her arm and back up at him.
"I'm fine" Lucina said, slightly smiling at him. The tactician nodded, turning away. The girl looked back out the window.

Meanwhile, Link felt continuous relief with the girl he cared for finally back with him. He looked down at her, who drifted asleep. He smiled to himself. He took his hand at touched the side of her face. He was happy to be back with her.


It was now 5:00 AM, and everyone managed to get some sleep. Ike stopped the car in the drive way, and looked back at everyone.
"Guys, we're home..."

There were groans with people slowly getting up. They were all tired(especially Ike) and slowly walked out of the motorhome.

They all walked inside the house.

"HOOOOOOMMME!" Peach yelled."I'm gonna go back to sleep."

"Aight then" Roy yawned.

Everyone made their way to their rooms, all slouching. Lucina walked into her room and quickly changed into PJs. She was about to walk to her bed when she heard a knock at her door.

"Lucina?" It was Robin. Lucina walked to her door and opened it. She looked up at him, who stared back at her.

"Wanna come in?..." Lucina asked, using her hand to gesture him into the room. Robin walked in, closing the door behind him.

Lucina turned her back to him, noe facing the desk that was in her room. She grabbed a brush and brushed through her hair.

"I'm worried..." Robin said. " about whatever had taken control over you. And it made you do that to yourself!" Robin exclaimed, talking about the cuts on her arm.

"I don't want you to worry, though..." Lucina mumbled.

" How could I not worry?"

The blue-haired girl paused.

"Whatever took over you is obviously dangerous!" Robin continued. "Hell, that thing could kill you!

Lucina turned to face him, and put her arms on his shoulders. "It won't kill me.... I promise." She looked him straight in the eye.
The two stayed like that for a while, just looking at each other. Lucina finally decided to pull away, but right when she did that, Robin pulled her into him.

He kissed the girl, putting his hands at the sides of her face. Lucina was startled at his bold move, but quickly gave into it. The two kissed passionately, Robin letting his hands travel along her waist. Lucina snaked her hands up to his neck.
Robin picked Lucina up, and sat on the edge of the bed, the girl now sitting, facing him. They continued.
After a while, Lucina pulled back and smiled at him. The tactician said

"I love you."

The girl giggled. "I love you too."


Peach decided to make coffee, since she didn't feel like sleeping. She stirred the coffee that was in her pink mug. She sat at the table by herself, staring down at the coffee. She was lost in thought about the night, but there was a sudden knock at the door. Peach got up from the table and walked towards the door. She unlocked the door and opened it.

Her tired eyes quickly widened when she saw who it was. She couldn't believe it.


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