The Final One.

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     "Well, I'm glad things have gotten resolved, Lady Palutena." Pit said happily.

    "Me too, Pit."

     "FINALLY THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER." Marth yelled. He only just learned of the situation about an hour ago.

     "Well, not all things have gotten better." Palutena said quietly. Pit and Marth looked at her questioningly.

     Palutena motioned the two's focus to Link, who sat on the couch. "This whole Malon situation is still on-going."

     "For quite a while!" Pit stated.

     "Wait, this is the last chap-"

     "I wonder what will happen." Palutena whispered.

     "Who knows, all we have left is the end of this chapter." Marth commented.

      Suddenly Roy came running down the stairs and met the trio. "Hey guys?"


     "The toilet's clogged."

     "Make Ike take care of it."


     "But what should we do?" Palutena asked. "Maybe take Malon into the trunk of our car and drop her off in Canada? Slap the shit out of her?! God, I suddenly feel pumped to beat her ass!!"

     "Now, calm down," Marth said. "Zelda knows what's necessary and what's not. She absolutely knows whats best for her."

      "Yeah, but, she's waiting too long... Besides, how long has this been going on? Three... four weeks?!"

     Marth sighed. "We'll just have to wait and see."



     Link turned around to the voice that called him.

     "Yeah, Zel?"

     Zelda sat down besides him on the couch. "Where were you yesterday? You missed out on some group stuff we did... we even put on your favorite movie! Why did you bail on us?"

     "Ugh, Zel, I'm sorry. It's just, Malon wanted me to hang out with her yesterday? I guess her pig is sick or something... She said that's the pig has been sick for a while now."

     "Okay..." Zelda said quietly. 'Sure' She then said in her head.

     "Zel..." Link started. "Y-you know I love you, right?"

     Zelda nodded, not even looking at him.

     "And Malon's just a frien-"

     "I know, Link. I understood the first time you don't have to keep repeating the same thing over and over to me as an excuse."

     Zelda froze. Her fingernails dug into her sides. She then instinctively got up and scurried up to her room.


     "GUYS! MY SHOE IS STUCK ON THE ROOF!!" Roy screamed from his room.

     "Oh god, how many times has someone got something stuck on the roof?!" Ike yelled.

     "Shutup and help me!!!"

     "Fine... fine..."

     Ike walked out of his room and made his way to Roy's room. He slammed opened the door and made his way to the open window seal. He climbed out and reached for the shoe on the roof. He struggled for a few minutes, before he averted somewhere else. He was able to see the front yard from where he was, and he was able to see someone walking up to the front door.

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