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A month or so passed since school started, and you adopted a routine of rushing into the building before Jungkook could catch up with you, just so you could hide your ears from incoming "heartthrob comments". Eyes spotted you like laser beams, even when he wasn't there. He found it strange, but he was oddly amused at your shyness.

Today, when you hoped you wouldn't hear any possible ear-bleeding content, a group of three girls came up behind you.

"Y/N-ah, can you give me Jungkook's number?"

"Tell Jungkook Oppa that I love him!"

"Can your brother accept my follow request?"

It's not like you were interested in him; you're his sister for crying out loud! You just think that Jungkook's an awesome man with many talents and great personalities, and he shouldn't waste time on some desperate wannabees who would only spend time with him in the bedroom, so you turn away, flipping your black hoodie up in the process.


The brunette wandered the hall with wide eyes in search for his favourite hyung, but he couldn't find him anywhere. Did he move away? Why hasn't he seen him?

"Jungkookie!" A familiar, high-pitched voice beams from behind him.

"Jimin hyung!" The younger squealed happily before wrapping his arms tightly around his best friend.

"How was America?" The older asked, pulling away with a wide smile.

"It was gre---, oh my god! Your hair! It was brown last time I saw you, right?" Jungkook took a the time to examine the orange strands that draped Jimin's head perfectly.

"It was gre---, oh my god! Your hair! It was brown last time I saw you, right?" Jungkook took a the time to examine the orange strands that draped Jimin's head perfectly

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"Yeah, I dyed it this summer. Your hair looks good, too!"

"Thanks, hyung. Well, I'm glad you're here, because for a month I thought you were dead," the brunette scoffs, hitting his senior's chest.

"I was visiting my cousin in Seoul. I'm sorry, Kookie. I should have told you."

"It's fine, I'm just glad my best friend is back."

Jimin smiles at a suggestion that popped up in his head. "Wanna go grasshopper hunting? Like old times?"

"And then go get snow cones afterwards?" The younger asked back, ears perked up at the thought.

"Let's do it!"


"There was a huge one right next to that grass patch, hyung. I'm telling you!" Jungkook whines.

"Really? I didn't see one," Jimin answered, taking a bite of his colourful, flavoured ice.

"Haha! Your tongue is all blue!" The younger teased, pointing at said boy's tongue.

"Very funny....Shit, my mom's calling. We should totally do this again!"

"I like the sound of that."

Life seemed normal for Jungkook again. He was back with his family and best friend after three years, and at the same time, he was excited to eat his mother's homemade delicacies after eating burgers and fries for a while. Not that said food was distasteful; it just got boring quickly.

Little did he know, life would change for him, too.


A/N: I think I got carried away with the food, lol. Anyways, the exposition chapters are almost done, I swear. I promise that your wigs will be snatched later on. Love you! 😘

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