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"Phew! At least that's over!" You said, wiping your forehead. You had just left the classroom where your last final of the semester took place, and a heavy weight was being lifted off your shoulders. You were excited to have the next two weeks dedicated to complete free time...well, not really because your mother likes to plan vacations whenever possible, and she might have something up her sleeve. That being said, vacation is way better than school.


"Shanghai?" You gasp, and your mother nods.

"Aren't you excited, kids? We're going on vacation!" She exclaims. "You better start packing. We leave in a couple of days."

You liked traveling, but you absolutely hated plane rides. It would always smell like cleaning fluid, not to mention that they feed passengers prison slop for supper. But oh well, that's the cheapest way to get to China.


"Finally, a nice warm bed!" You exclaim out loud as you enter your hotel room and slump on the bed. You had already showered before getting on the plane, so you were quick to change into a pair of comfy pajamas. The fleece embraced you in its softness, leaving you in awe at how a stitched up piece of fabric could be this comfy.

All of a sudden a knock sounded on the door, so you immediately went to open it  and found Jungkook standing there with a backpack and suitcase in hand.

"Good evening, Oppa. May I ask what you are doing in my room?" You bat your eyes playfully as you wiggle your toothbrush around in your mouth.

"Do you mean our room?" He replies, lips curving up a little as he enters and places his suitcase on the floor.

You drop your toothbrush. "We're sharing a room?" You ask, and he nods.

No, no, no. This can't be happening.

The fact that you'd be alone with Jungkook scares you. It was different when you were living in a house that your parents would come home to every evening, but now, in a small room with the option to put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door, numerous things could happen. You were doing pretty well at distracting yourself with finals and Jisung, but this setting would only allow your feelings to cultivate more and become a throbbing knot in your belly. It's been a while since you last had a heart-to-heart with him, so the tension in the air would be thicker than a rope.

"Why else would there be two beds in here?"

"So I can sleep on one and jump on the other?"

Jungkook laughs. "You're adorable."

"I thought Eomma booked us separate rooms."

"She meant two separate rooms, Y/N. One for them and one for us."


You mentally slapped yourself at how stupid you just were.

"Plus, we're siblings. It's not like we would do anything weird," he continues.

The thought of his lips on your skin replayed in your head like a stuck melody. He made you feel complete, unlike Jisung. The two of you together made sense in your mind, but the link connecting you was something you were hoping would change over time.

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