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Thank goodness it was a Saturday, otherwise you would have passed out from four hours of sleep at school. "Oppa, wake up. I have to get you some medicine," you say, nudging your brother who was still snuggled up tightly in your chest.

He stirs around, his grip on your waist tightening, causing you to tap his arm. "O-Oppa, I can't b-breathe."

Taking advantage of his tired state, you carefully pry his arms off you before running to your medicine cabinet to get some pills. When you returned, you found Jungkook whining tiredly before shifting his weight on the bed.

"M-My head," he groaned, placing a hand over his sweaty forehead.

"I know it hurts; have this medicine. It'll make you feel better," you say, holding out the pills and a glass of water.

You help him sit up on the edge of the bed before helping him swallow the medicine. "I'm gonna go downstairs and see what's for breakfast," you say before leaving the room.

You enter your kitchen to find a yellow sticky-note on the fridge that read:

Y/N-ah and Jungkookie,

Your father left early for a conference and I went out to buy groceries. Just make breakfast with what there is right now; I will be back for lunch. I think that he'll be back by dusk, but I'm not sure.

Love you both,


"Hmm," you say as you scan your fridge and pantry for ingredients. Luckily, there were enough ingredients to make an adequate hangover soup, so you prepared some for Jungkook. After pouring yourself a glass of milk and munching on a slice of toast, you went back upstairs with the bowl of soup in hand.

What you were about to hear almost made you drop the bowl.

"Ah...fuck," a familiar voice cursed behind the bathroom door, which eventually reached your ears.

Breathe in and out, Y/N. Every guy gets boners. It's not a big deal, you thought to yourself, but for some reason couldn't get his sensual moans and curse words out of your head. It's not like you could interrupt his...session for some damn soup, which was probably getting cold by now.

You set the soup aside and hopped on the bed, browsing through images of Park Hyungsik to hopefully distract you from the very awkward situation.

Soon, a very tired Jungkook stumbles out of the bathroom and eyes you, ruffling his now messy brown hair. "Y/N~you were *hiccup!* here this whole time?" He asked. Okay, he's still a little drunk.

"Well, I m-made some s-soup for your hangover," you said, gesturing to the room-temperature soup on the night stand.

"You heard *hiccup!* meee?" He said, rolling on the bed in front of you like a needy child craving attention. "Were you turned onnnn?"

"Oppa, stop it. Eat your soup," you scolded him like a strict mother as soon as his head rested between your calves.

"Did you change my *hiccup* clothes toooo?"

"Jungkook, sit up right now."

"Did you see my—"

"Okay, no need to say that."

Groaning in frustration at his uncooperative behaviour, you got up and took the bowl of soup before sitting back down to feed him. I'm so going to kill him when he's sober, you chuckled playfully at the thought.

"Are you my mother, Y/N~? She always fed meee when I was little."

"Just shut up and eat. Don't ask questions," you say as you bring up a spoonful to his mouth.

"Mmm...tastes goooooood," he moaned in satisfaction, making you cringe, but you were quick to notice a drop of soup trailing down from his lips to his chin.

"Ah, Jung—you're getting it everywhere!" You wail, wiping his chin before he grabbed your thumb and sucked on it leisurely.

"Jungkook!" You scream, unable to comprehend his motive for doing this and the feeling of his warm tongue on your skin.

He looked up and snorted before laughing, making you roll your eyes. "What? There was soup on your thumb."

"That doesn't mean you can just suck my thumb without warning me first!" You slap his arm.

"Owwie, that hurt," he said as he clutched his arm.

"Well don't be a bad boy next time, and maybe I won't slap you," you sassed before continuing to feed him.

"Wait, did you call me a bad boy?" He asked in a deeper voice, curving his thin lips into a shy smirk.

"Yes, because you were one," you say, biting your lip. "What is your point, Jungkook?"

"Why didn't you call me Oppa?" He said, lacing his fingers with yours before going into a kneeling position. "I'm your older brother after all."

He slowly hovered on top of you, and you were left confused. Why was he acting this way? "W-What are you d-doing?"

"Punishing you, like you punished me."

And then his hands found your sides, poking them repeatedly, earning a plethora of squeals and giggles from you.

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