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A/N: Before you say anything in the comments, the picture above is NOT from when Jungkook fainted and was in pain (Burn The Stage ep. 3). It was when all the members were in their dressing room (Burn The Stage ep. 6).

I would never use any image of Jungkook or other members in pain. I remember how hurt it made me feel when I saw him in that state, and I'm sure many of you can relate. I love him too much to just post a picture of him like that just for aesthetic purposes and disregard what actually happened.

Thank you for understanding. ❤️


Punch by punch, grunt by grunt, Jungkook beat up the sandbag until he felt his knuckles crack back into his skin. Sweat trickling down his bare upper half, he wiped the moisture off his face before throwing more punches which eventually got weaker as he grew more tired.

"Kid! We're closing in twenty minutes," a man's voice echoes throughout the room over the sound of fists hitting the sandbag.

The brunette stopped, looking down at his bruised knuckles before moving a few sweaty strands away from his forehead.

After wiping the perspiration and changing back into his normal clothes, he felt his tummy grumble and vibrate. Taking out his phone, he looked to see if there were any cheap places that were open at the moment.

To his disappointment, the only results he got were places that had three dollar symbols next to their name. There goes that idea, he thought.

Driving back to see the blurry glares of bright light in front of him, he huffed and puffed, missing the scent of jasmine laundry detergent that your mother used to wash the bed sheets with as well as the times where the tension between you and him wasn't bubbling up like a witch's stew every time you were together.

Glad that he wasn't the cause of any casualties on the road, Jungkook swung the door open, and with force, closed it harshly before running up and doing the same to his bedroom door.

Exposing himself to the somewhat cool air of his bathroom, he allowed the warm water to cascade down his body, temporarily calming his muscles at the contact. A sigh escaped his lips as he gave in to the relaxing feeling the shower gave him, the glass walls keeping in some of the steam that only amplified the soothing effect it had on him.

After adorning a white T-shirt and a pair of sweats, Jungkook drained the excess moisture from his hair before going down to make some ramyun. Your parents worked late shifts like always and Jungkook wasn't the best of cooks, so this was the easiest solution for him.

The warm broth and noodles gave his insides some comfort, too, since he wouldn't have to worry about the low growl of his tummy bothering him in his sleep any time soon.

After a few more weeks of this same routine, boxing pretty much became his second nature. Chill, happy-go-lucky teenager by day, taking anger and frustration out on a hanging sandbag by night.

Jungkook liked the feeling of allowing his body to involuntarily thrash itself on an object, seeing that it wasn't something that he could do with Jimin or you. Jimin and you served as his emotional sandbags, being that you both had the ability to sympathize and empathize with him and all his struggles that came with, something that a nightly visit to the gym couldn't do.

He only found this way of escaping reality when you took up all your afternoons and evenings hanging out with Jisung or Somin. It made him sad yet consfused as to why someone who he's lived with all his life couldn't make time for him.

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