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"So, what's the plan for today?" You asked Jisung curiously.

"Let's do something relaxing today. Like maybe watching a movie."

Your ears perk up at the idea. "I like the sound of that, but what movie?"

"What movies do you have?"

"Let me look," you say, looking under your TV to examine the stack of DVDs that laid there.

"Dr. Strange, Dear John, The Incredibles, Insidious, World War Z—"

"Ooh! Let's watch World War Z! I love zombie movies," Jisung exclaims.

Remind me why Eomma and Appa even bought this movie, you thought to yourself.

Not wanting to pick a fight with the cute ashy-haired man who was now comfortably sitting on your couch, you reluctantly took the disk out of its case and slid it into the TV.

The screen came to life by the time both you and Jisung were sitting hip by hip with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. He had a different scent and aura than Jungkook, so the feeling of him touching you was unfamiliar to you. Shrugging the thought off and convincing yourself that he's a handsome guy who many girls would swoon over, you fixed your eyes on the screen that was now adorned with zombies.

You flinch when you see a zombie attacking someone brutally, the sounds and sights causing your heart to beat rapidly and your breath to hitch.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asks, bringing his other hand up to meet the one on you.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." You wish you could've sounded confident just then, but unfortunately, that was not the case. "I just don't do too well with gory stuff."

"We can always watch something else if you'd like," he replies, turning his head to the side to face you.

Feeling his breath vibrate against the side of your face, you turned to face him. He was now only centimetres away from you, but the unfamiliarity of his touch made you freeze in place.

"T-That's okay, Jisung. I want to do something you like, since we've been doing things I suggested every time we hang out."

"Y/N," he says your name in a way he's never said it before.

Since you kept on insisting to let the movie play, Jisung took things into his own hands and pulled you closer, allowing his head to rest on your shoulder.

"Y/N," he repeats. Something about his voice was calming, yet distant, making your head spin like crazy.

"Why won't you just let me do something you like?" You ask, brain fogged up with so much that you let those words slip tiredly.

"If it makes you uncomfortable, I don't like it. I want us to enjoy our time together, and seeing you terrified of a movie I suggested to watch just pains me. It makes me feel so damn selfish."

The acidity in his voice made your heart race for the second time today. "Jisung..."

He sighs. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it like that. My point is, don't feel like you have to do something because I want to. It'll only make things worse for the both of us.

"I know that we haven't known each other for long, but I've somehow become drawn to you. I want to keep hanging out with you and seeing you smile because it has the power to brighten anyone's day, including me."

Jisung slowly moves closer to you, placing a hand on your cheek and stroking it gently. At this point, you were conflicted between dating an unfamiliar man or giving your heart a break from all this boy drama.

So, you decided to let the situation play out itself.

Your nose was just grazing his ever so slightly when—

"Y/N? Eomma's gonna be home in a few minutes."

You turn your head towards the voice to see Jungkook leaning on the banister as he looked at you, raising an eyebrow.

Believing his words, you were quick to jump off the couch, knowing very well that if your mother saw you with another man, she would interrogate him for centuries, and you'd most likely not be allowed to date afterwards.

"I'm so sorry, Jisung. My mom doesn't like me dating. Hopefully, we can hang out some other time." You bow multiple times as you rushed the ashy-haired man out of your house.

"No problem. See you at school, I guess?" He says as he struggles to slip his Vans back on.

"Yeah," you reply with a shy smile as you let him out the door.

As the house became darker when the sunlight could no longer come in through the doorway, you felt a sudden tug on your wrist away from it.

Looking around to see ruffled brown hair, you were left shocked when you were being dragged upstairs. "O-Oppa, what are you doing?"

You were pushed into the guest bedroom and heard the click of the door locking as Jungkook trapped you against the wall in his arms.

Gasping at the sudden contact with the dry, hard surface behind you, Jungkook tilts your chin up so you could look deeply into his orbs, which sparkled with jealousy and desire.

"Give me an answer, Y/N, because I don't know how much more I can hold back," he says in a voice about two octaves lower than his normal one.

"What do you m—"

You were cut off when a pair of lips crashed against yours.

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