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"Why couldn't she come down to Busan? Why do we have to drive all the way there?" You cross you arms and huff in frustration.

"Her car is with a mechanic. It needs to be repaired," Jungkook replies sternly as he focuses on the road in front of him.

"Remind me why you trust this woman again. She could very well be lying to you," you hiss.

Don't tell her. Don't tell her. Don't tell h—

"FUCK!" He curses loudly, slapping the top of the steering wheel harshly and making you flinch in your seat.

"Ah, why, Y/N? Why..." he hangs his head low, voice croaking as if he was about to cry.

You just asked him a question. Why in God's name was he acting this way?

Deciding not to make the situation more awkward and heated, you sat quietly, looking at the trees zipping by while you listened to your music.


"Come, Y/N. She's waiting for us," Jungkook says, turning back with a blank expression on his face, still wondering as to why your physique was glued inside the car.

Sighing to himself, he walked over to the car door and opened it, dragging you outside by the elbow.

"Oppa! Let me go!" You whined, trying to free yourself from his grip, but he was too strong.

Finally, he let you go once you were inside a semi-fancy restaurant. You saw him wave at a woman who seemed to be a lot younger than your mother, making you inhale deeply as you were being pulled toward her with Jungkook's help, of course.

"Eomma, this is Y/N," he introduces.

"Oh, Y/N! It's lovely to meet you, my dear." Jihye speaks affably and holds out a hand, but you just send her and her hand a cold glare and stay quiet.

"Ah, no problem. Nobody really saw me as an approachable person anyways." She retracts her hand back and mouths something at Jungkook as you continued to fascinate yourself by looking at the glare of the utensils laid out in front of you.

Feeling a strong grip on your left arm, you turn to see said boy glaring at you sharply. The scar on his left cheekbone that shone under the sun's rays made him look like he wasn't to be messed with.

"Why are you being so rude?" He whispered angrily under his breath close to your ear, sending fearful chills down your spine.

You just scoffed and faced the woman in front of you. "Does she need something, sweetheart?" She asks Jungkook.

"Ah, it's nothing. She failed her math test, and she's still mad about it."

"I understand. Studies are important," Jihye takes off her coat, placing it on the empty space next to her. "Otherwise, Y/N, you seem like such a lovely girl. Jungkook has told me so much about you."

You were starting to feel kind of guilty now. Jungkook's "mother" took time out of her day to meet with you, and here you were giving her shit for it. "What has he said about me?" You ask, mustering the best fake smile you could.

"A lot of things, but mainly how you've been there as emotional support when he's had his bad days. And for that, I would like to thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there for my son...when I couldn't." Her voice trailed off and became replaced by whimpers of sorrow. Almost immediately, you began to feel some sort of sympathy for her even though you didn't know why the heck she didn't raise Jungkook as her own child.

Placing your hand on top of hers, you try and soften your voice so she would at least listen to you. "Hey, could you maybe tell me a little bit of what happened? I just want to understand things for myself, that's all."

"Of course, dear," She smiled up at you. "Jungkook baby? Do you mind?"

"Not at all," he says, giving Jihye permission to tell you her story.

After a few moments of shedding tears and looking down to see them collect into a little puddle in your palm, you mentally slapped yourself repeatedly for being such a bitch to her earlier. She was just trying to give you the answers you had hoped for over two weeks that had the potential to change your life, and you couldn't help but feel ashamed of yourself for that.

"T-Thank you for telling me, M-Ms. Kang," you say, whimpering at the pain that had been caused by all these years of being met with a mask that hid the pure, divine truth from you.

"Ms. Kang makes me sound like an unpleasant old lady. Call me Jihye," she smiles.

You smile back up, feeling some sort of filler make its way into your heart. "Okay, Jihye."

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