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Hello!! You made it! Thank you so much for clicking on my book! I know how many choices there are on wattpad so thanks for giving this book a chance.

Please do not give up on the first few chapters, as it is mostly unedited and the beginning is not as good as I am able to write now in the present vs then. :)

It gets better around ch. 6 and on.

Happy Reading! :)


I'm going the extra mile. Literally. I'm moving miles and miles to try to better myself. My goal is to not be that same, boring self that I was. I want to be better, and that goal is my responsibility. No one else can make me a better person. A better Rachel. I want to do better. I want to be better.

In doing so, I've gained an understanding on why people have such bad separation anxiety. I can see why it's hard to be far away. That's my current situation, only it was my choice. Moving across the country isn't easy, and let me tell you, I definitely know all about that. Flying all the way here on a plane,. and basically just trying to function with anxiety is a constant struggle. I've already come too far to let little bugs like anxiety get in the way of the plans I've made for myself.

Vacation. Trips. Getaways. All that fun stuff aside. My trip's for pure business purposes unlike many tourists who take advantage of the city's ability to be explored in all of its glory. LA is going to be my home away from home for the next couple of years, positively. Let's hope I get used to it as soon as possible.

I'm not saying sheltered life is bad. It's better than nothing at all. Don't get me wrong. With time, enough becomes enough, and you have to take the leap from that theoretical tree. Spread your wings as far as you can.

Don't even ask what my mother thought of this grand idea of mine. The woman pretty much kicked me out and said, I just want you to remember that I did not encourage this decision, and I hope you don't get shot, but if you do... this was your stupid idea to move to the overpopulated Californian city where there is more of a chance for a physco to be your neighbor. Well, I'm sorry, mom. You might have remained in your comfort zone, but I am not clipping my wings before they have even had the chance to grow. I refuse to settle for less, and in order to do that, I need a bigger and better city.

Los Angeles has alway been in the back of my mind. Dragging myself all the way across the country was the only downfall. When you have a dream, might as well go for it, even if you have to free fall all the way to the goal line. With L.A., came buzzfeed, the star of the show. It might have felt like the city's evil step-sister at times with it occasion spreading negativity, but if you look past all of that, it was the perfect job for me. The thought of having my dream job boggled my mind. Sure, I might be behind a desk to begin with. You have to start somewhere.

The pretty, perfect and untainted thought of being in L.A. was quickly damaged by actually living there. No matter what, I'm putting in all or nothing. Buzzfeed or Smuzzfeed... I'm stuck in this city, and not just for a few weeks, for at least six months with the dang apartment I just signed a lease on. It's nice but, what were you thinking, Rachel?

I was convinced of the fact that, the feeling of wanting to avoid everyone by curling up in a ball, laying in a dark room was never going to go away.I know that the anxiety speaking, holding me back. Maybe, being home sick was an actual concept. This whole time I thought it was a hoax, but my own opinion just turned on me for the worst.

LA was buzzing with energy and constant life, no matter what. It never stops.. People always have places to go and things to get done. It doesn't even matter what time it is here.

All of that being put together, my brain never gets a chance to shut off. A constant thought that is running through my head was to stay alone. Keep my head down. Stay out of trouble. With change comes stress. Last thing I need is to bury it all down, and at the end of the day, family is the grounding point I need. Thank God for technology, because keeping in touch with family that is all the way across the country would be nearly impossible to accomplish.

I decided to stop by a cafe on my way in to work this morning. Even though caffeine can make anxiety worse it's an addiction and I couldn't help myself.

The streets in LA we covered with people, all of which were doing the same part of their routine as I am. Making their way on their morning routine commute into work or wherever they please. They all seemed dry and tasteless or carefree. Which ever one it was, I couldn't tell the difference.

Multitasking since my time for the morning stall was running out, I drank my coffee, gathered my thoughts and walked to Buzzfeed in the most time efficient way possible.

Arriving in the front of the LA buzzfeed office, familiar faces pass as I strode into the office. 

It's extremely important to me that this whole entire LA thing works out. Like I've mentioned earlier, If it doesn't we're going to have a problem. Let's just hope people are friendly enough to help me out. I know it's a lot to ask for Los Angeles.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now