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Also, Thanks for reading up to this point and sticking with me!!!! Just so know, I see you. I appreciate you and I love you. To every single reader, I love to hear from you and I love everything I see, including votes. it encourages me soooooooo much. This chapter is for you, because I feel like it's the least I can do for you. <3


Eugene's POV


***Disclaimer!! It is only going to be in Eugene's POV for this BONUS chapter. Will return back to normal in ch. 14***


"You know.. I would have been perfectly content in staying back at the office with a box of cereal for my lunch break," Rachel added.

I looked over at her from the passenger seat as she drove us down the highway.

Rolling my eyes slightly, "Yeah but that would be so... What's the word-"


"Look at you. Helping me finish my-"

"Sandwiches!" she shouted out.

laughing at the situation, I looked back in front of us at the road as I slightly analyzed her driving. Out of the corner of my eye I could see she was noticing what exactly I was doing..

"Don't even say anything... I bet you can't drive very well either..."

"Yeah. I can drive better than you can in LA, Rachel." I looked at her even though she continued to look at the road, I didn't look away. It felt like there was so much under the surface of her that I was so desperate to know but I could tell the shell keeping it all in was not going to be easy to break open.

"Well, I'm sorry I grew up driving down windy, bumpy roads lined with corn fields."

"Don't be sorry. Be proud of where you came from," I said, finally looking away.

As she continued to focus on the road, "Wow. You should be a motivational speaker."

No comment.

"You'd walk out on stage and people would pass out. Others would just be like, 'wow. he's from Texas.' You would have to have a lot of ambulance," she rambled.

"And why would that be??"

"Number One. They would know you're from texas by your walk. and Two. Have you look in a mirror??" she commented nonchalantly. 

"I am flattered but I think you need to look at yourself."

"Wow. I was just being nice. You didn't have to insult me.." She kept a serious face.

"No, Rachel, You shouldn't say that.."

"Why not?" 

"You're beautiful..."

"Awwe!" She looked over at me but quickly looked at the road. I could stay here and talk to her for eternity but she probably will never know.

Silence filled the car for a moment as she listened to Siri's directions and I didn't want to make her get lost with to much conversation. 

We finally got to our restaurant after many much need moments for our friendship. Relationship. I don't know what it is but I want more of it.

At the table after food was brought to us...

"Let me hear your dark past," I said with a smirk that slowly faded away as I noticed he face drop like she actually had one.


"It was just a question. A joke. I mean."

She laughed, "Oh... Your face was priceless. It look like you were going to shit your pants when you saw my face."

I shook my head, "Trickster." I took a bit of my sandwich. "Now I know what I'm dealing with."

"Like you didn't before?"

"That just proves my point more, Rachel."

"Uhh, What point did you have to begin with?"


She shook her head but eventually ate again.

We ate our food. The conversation died down towards the middle. I finished my plate before she was done. Part of her sandwich was left over.

"I can't eat anymore..." She pushed her plate away.

"That good because I can." I grabbed the sandwich and took a bit out of it.

"Look at us. Actually finishing each other's sandwiches." she laughed slightly at her own joke. God, I love that...

I looked at her for a second and shook my head slightly, "Ohh. Nice one. So cheesy."

"I know. I love it," She said, leaning on her elbows.

Our lunch came to an end and it was time for us to head back to the office.

Rachel paid for lunch, because she stubborn and wouldn't even let me touch my wallet. The good thing is, I convinced her to let me drive us back to work. Ha. Got her. Maybe?

When we got back, Keith gave me a look on the way back in that I can only imagine said, "Look at you. Get the girl. Finally."

Strangely, most girls didn't interest me long term. Maybe, I have changed my mind. Maybe Rachel has changed my mind. ;)



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