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I love you guys!!!!!  Your comments and votes encourage me to update so much! Without all of the support I constantly receive from you, I probably wouldn't continue to write or even have the undying motivation to improve my writing/stories. <3 <3

>>> Check out the playlist that goes along with this book! >>>  https://open.spotify.com/user/thehappyhuman1/playlist/6d9z8OCvSKY5AejJvi2Dp8

If only you knew the plans I have for this story. 


One Week Later (I'm writin' a letter nightly, my life gets better with every letter that your write me...)

Everything had officially started around the new and shiny office. The since of home still lingered about, seeing that it was neds old house.

I was already getting 'assignments' and tasks to complete from the guys. It all seemed to be running fairly smooth for each of us. A lot of talk was shuffling around about their first video and the debut of their new channel.

The guys and I basically walked in at the same time, none of us in particular were morning people. And, everyone was there and it was time for the daily grind to start up again. I was able to help them get the camera room set up in time for us to eat lunch.

Veering away from my desk in the corner of the main office space, I walked toward the doorway, out to the hall, and all the way to the kitchen. I started to hear a sound like someone was rustling through the cabinets. The sound did not give off happy vibe, in my opinion.

"Rach! Do you think you could pick up lunch for us?!" Keith yelled, probably thinking I was still at my desk down the hall.

"Ouch," I hisses, rubbing my ear lightly with my hand. I turned the corner, not very far from him, to see him holding the fridge door open in the kitchen. I was definitely too close to Keith for him to be yelling like that. "I'm right here."

"Sorry, I wasn't aware that you were right there... Ned left this place complete with everything we would need in an office other than food. Which, I don't know if you know this... but food is vital," he grumbled as he continued to move his hands as he talked with them.

"Okay...? Don't worry, Keith. That's what I'm here for. What would you like to eat?" I asked calmly.

"Listen, I understand you haven't been here long but you should know that my answer is going to be fried chicken...." Sassy Keith was starting to escape more and more now.

Shaking my head slightly with a smirk, "I just wanted to make sure."

Keith nodded as he closed the fridge door and walked out of the room. I followed but soon divert away from him and towards the front door with my very own car keys in my grasp. The engine roared to life on my car with the twist of a key. I carefully backed out of the driveway and made my way to the highway.

Doing nothing but reflecting on the drive to get Keith food, I started to realize how much tension the office has been filled with so far. None of the guys seem perfectly peachy. Stress was clouding over them all, but in a time like this I found it understandable. Now is not the time to worry about that sort of thing. It's the beginning of something new, what do you expect?

I turned on my radio to help my focus pull to the road as I drove to the store.

Traffic was starting to backup. I still had fifteen minutes till I would reach the store, if the traffic didn't get any worse. Focused on the bumper of the car directly in from of me, my phone pulled me out of my daze as it buzzed on the seat beside me. I grabbed it up off the cotton seat, swiping across the screen to answer it. "What's up, Eugene?"

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Where did ya go?" he asked.

"I am stuck in traffic right now," I told him with the phone pressed against my ear.

I heard him take a deep breath in. "Oh."

Silence fluttered over the phone for a second. It felt a bit awkward but so was my life. I tried to brush off the weird, but familiar feeling.

He continued the conversation, "You didn't fully answer my question. What are you doing?"

"Keith is very, very hangry." I'd moved up in traffic slightly, but not far enough to be happy about it.

"Let me assure you, we all know. The entire world knows," He sounded like Keith had been annoying them this entire time while he waited for food. I swear I could almost hear his eyes roll from through the phone. The SASS on that man...

"Yeah. So, I'm on my way to get fried chicken for all of us, and salads too, at least part of it should be healthy."

"You are so thoughtful, Rachel," he remarked.

"Wow. I can't believe I just almost got compliment from Eugene Lee Yang," I scoffed.

I heard him snicker on the other end of the call, "That is my full name," he joked. We both laughed and, pausing to breathe for a second.

I sighed blissfully, "Man, this traffic is going to be the death of me..."

"It literally could be actually be the death of you, ya know? Especially with crazy people in LA..." He went on. "There's the heart warming Eugene we all know and love."

"Don't worry. I don't want you to die.."

"I would hope not.." I said, unsure of what to say to something like that. I thought the default was to not want people to die. Eugene stayed quiet, not a peep. Soon enough, I decided to speak up, "I'm sorry... I am definitely not good at showing my feelings, like I'm not good at it at all. It is not my strong suit in the least. I get nervous, and I have bad anxiety. Not to mention the panic attacks," I continued, "I just wanted to warn you since you guys decided to bring me along with you. I love it all, but honestly, I have this feeling that I'm being left out of something, and I think you're hiding something from me especially from this weird and random conversation we're having right now.... Something you should know is that--"

"-you ramble when you get nervous," he interrupted in an effort to calm me, "Take a breath, Rach."

Air flowed in and out of my nose as he instructed, "I know. I'm sorry."

"We aren't trying to hide anything from you... I just don't know how to tell you without it ending with a bad reaction."

I turned into the grocery store and parked in a good spot, "Eugene, I told you what I was doing... What are you doing? For some reason, I feel like that's what you're hiding from me," I asked, almost afraid to know his answer. I was still sitting in my parked car.

"Well," he sighed, "I just got done interviewing a girl to help assist us around the office, like you are... and she may even help edit or film.."


Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now