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The thought of leaving buzzfeed prematurely ate at my mind. Over all, I haven't worked with these guys for that long. It baffles me to think that they see enough potential in me to help them felt amazing, but I was semi-shocked.

The last day at buzzfeed was quite and somber, but I thought about what was best for me. It was obvious that was best for me was to stay in my comfort zone of buzzfeed. Something told me to take a risk and move on to new business with the try guys. Why not go the full nine yards? I already almost went too far when I made the decision to move across the county.

I haven't told them my decision was to go with them yet. I actually haven't told anyone... The guys haven't really messed with me or talked to me for a few days. It was almost bumming me out. They were probably just trying to let me make my decision without interrupting my thinking.

Occasionally, I raised my eyes from the buzzfeed articles on my computer screen to see the try guys shuffling to look away from me or they would be whispering and pointing my way as they talked about whatever in secrete. For whatever reason, every single one of them, they had a look on their face that gave off nothing but nervous vibes. It was like my answer to their question was the determining factor between life or death.

My mind just kept racing back to the beginning. I moved here to do what I've always wanted to do. The entire time, a voice in the back of my mind was telling me to stay quiet and not get close to anyone. Yet, there was another that was telling me to do what I wanted because you only live for a specific length of time. You never know when your last day is going to be.

Looking down at my phone as a notification popped up, I looked up to the culprit. Eugene.

The text said, The rest of the guys and I are going out for lunch. Wanna come?

I stood up and walked over to them all sitting at their desks, "We're in the same room ya know.."

Eugene and Ned both stood up, followed by Zach and Keith.

Eugene took a few steps closer to me, "Yes... but, we're in the twenty-first century, Rachel. You get with the times."

I rolled my eyes as we all walked out to Ned's car.

"Where are we going that we will need to drive??" I asked as I buckled up. I sat between Eugene and Zach in the back of the car.

Ned looked at me in the mirror, "You'll see." He started to drive away.

"Ugh, I hate surprises..." I sighed.

Looking over at Eugene, I notice the smirk that was being formed on his face. It was like he was enjoying something, my pain. I don't know if it was because of the awkward closeness of the back seat or for my pain.

"Oh... So, you're enjoying my pain, right?" I questioned him and raised an eyebrow. I watched and assessed Eugene's body language as he put his hands up in defence.

Zach laughed a little, "It's Eugene. What else should you expect?"

"Rainbows and butterflies is what I want to see out of from everyone.."

Ned hit a bump in the road and we all groaned simultaneously. I looked over at Eugene rubbing his arm. He looked over at me, "Thanks for that shoulder bump.."

"Okay... Do you want to sit in the middle then, pretty boy??"

He sighed, placing his hand over his chest. "I'm offended."

Breathy laughs escaped both of our mouths.

Ned parked the car and looked ahead to his old house, "We're here."

"I think I just got kidnapped..." I looked ahead to the house through Keith and Neds shoulders.

We all got out of the car and walked up to the door. Before Ned unlocked it, he turned around and looked at us, "You know what this is?"

Keith laughed and shook head. He patted Ned's shoulder before he spoke sarcastically, "It's a house, Ned..." he scoffed, "Can you believe this guy?"

I hit his arm and laughed a little at his sarcasm.

Ned rolled his eyes at Keith's response, before he handed the boys all keys to the door of the house, "This is our new office."

I sighed, realizing what they were doing.

"And one key is left for Rachel if she makes the right decision," Eugene said as he looked at me.

Ned opened the door and we all walked in behind them. I closed the door as I was the last one in. Looking around the house, They had set up sets already. It was actually a pretty nice set up.

"Is this the only thing you wanted to show me?" I asked.

Ned walked over to a door, "There's one more thing..."

My eyes flew to Keith. All sense of funny and sarcasm drained from him and was replaced with complete seriousness, maybe a hint of nervousness. The feeling had already translated to me. 

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now