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Ned stopped at the door midway down the hall. He put his hand on the nob and twisted. It opened the door to this mystery room. It creaked slightly as it swung open. It was weird. The entire house had an I've been here type of vibe. All of us dragged ourselves inside and through the doorway. Down the hall, Ned lead us to the door. He opened it and waved his hands for us to walk inside like Vanna White. Inside the room, I instantly noticed five desks sitting in the room, lining the walls.

Every seat soon became occupied other than the seat at the desk for Eugene and I. I followed him over to a desk in the room that was facing the door unlike their desks which were facing the wall.

Eugene pulled the chair out and sat down at his desk before he opened the drawer to pull out a rectangular shaped item. It was wrapped in a pretty purple paper. His arm extended to me, holding out the package for me to take. "Open it."

I sighed as I reluctantly took it from him. The shape was unique enough to tell what the mystery object was before the paper was even ripped off of it. "Fine," I said, sitting at the last empty desk. I unwrapped the paper to see an extremely shiny golden name plate. It had the words 'Rachel Fendley; Try Girl' perfectly engraved into its surface.

My face contorted into a smile, "So, now would be the wrong time to tell you I don't want the job?" I smirked, holding back laughter from my own joke.

I could hear Zach snickering before he mumbled something like, "Yes, finally someone else who will mess with the perfect try guys."

"No, you're going to take the job," Eugene stated.

Tilting my head slightly, I squinted my eyes with seriousness. "Well, now it's final. I definitely don't want the job," I joked.

Ned suddenly cleared his though, drawing everyone's attention back to him, "But... Seriously, Rachel. We want you here with us and as you can see... We're pretty serious about it."

I sat the nameplate on my desk where it was perfectly visible for anyone in the room to see when they walked in, "I was going to take the job before you even dragged me to this place, guys."

Jumping to their feet, they jumped off the ground a few times before pulling everyone in for a group hug. Well, everyone except Eugene that is. He just groaned, "I'll just stay over here..."

"Nope.. Come on in," I said as I reached out and pulled him in the group. We hugged him with us even though he didn't want to be in the hug, not exactly a fan of warm and fuzzy human, happy contact.

"Shhh, just let it happen, Eugene," Zach told Eugene.

All of us let go of each other. I looked around to all of their faces, "I was going to tell you I wanted the job when we stopped somewhere to eat, dorks. You didn't have to do all of this. But lunch didn't happen..... I didn't need to be convinced," I laughed at them.

"Lets go actually get lunch, then. I'm starving," Keith yelled as he ran to the car, leaving us behind as we started laughing at him. All of us back in the car after locking up the new office. Ned drove to In and Out to get lunch, only to later return to our last day with buzzfeed.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now