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Climbing in bed was easy. Eugene's bed was like sleeping on a cloud, not to mention the warmth of it all.

"Good night," he spoke quietly.

I gazed at him, "Night. Sleep tight..."

He rolled over on his side, facing away from me. I stayed on my back.

Falling asleep should have been easy, thought of it all was agreeing. The safeness of it all. His bed. His house. Especially compared to my questionable apartment. I haven't lived in LA long enough to find house like Eugene has now.

My eyes stared at the ceiling, looking at nothing in particular. There was part of me that was screaming at me to get out of bed. Another part was telling me to stay and enjoy the time I get to spend like this.

I'm not afraid of commitment. I'm afraid he will change his mind, since he is the one that is afraid to commit to something long term. I fear getting to close just to be ripped away. Why would anyone want to go through that? I guess, love rules everything and people will do anything for it. But, you have to admit, you would not be smart to go running head first into a situation that you know you won't come out of the same.

It is so dangerous to finally have something worth losing.

Attacked with a sudden rush of insomnia, I felt doomed to lay here all night wide awake while Eugene lies beside me, sleeping peacefully.

I could hear the slight ticking of the clock on the nightstand beside Eugene.

Tossing and turning on my side for the third time, I sighed and forced my eyes to close. My mind stayed wide awake thinking about everything and anything. I popped open my eyes and sighed again before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I sat up and stay still for a second, trying not to wake Eugene.

I was about to stand up when I felt Eugene's hand grab my wrist and pull slightly. Looking back at him, he was perfectly awake and very aware of me trying to leave too soon.

"What are you doing?" his voice was groggy. "What time is it?"

Glancing at the clock, "It's One AM."

He still had ahold of my wrist, "Stay."

"I'm just going to the bathroom..."

"For some reason, I don't believe you." He sat up slightly before letting my wrist go. Freedom!

I sighed and frowned a bit, "Yeah... Sorry. I was sorta freaking out. Slightly." I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at him.

He snaked his arms around my torso and pulled me back over to him, "About what?"

The closeness made my heart beat slightly faster in my chest, "Everything."

"You wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head and looked at him. His arms making me feel safe and like I could just forget all of my recent worries, "Doesn't matter anymore."

His eyes moved down to mine to make sure I wasn't just saying everything was okay to reassure him. He spoke softly with a nod, "Okay..."

"But if your about to ask me to move over to my side, my answer is no. You're too comfortable..."

Shrugging, "I can work with that." Moving me off of him for a second, he slide down in the bed and pulled me back down when he was done situating himself. I layed back down with my head on his chest.

We both gazed into each other's eyes until, without recognition at first, our faces grew closer together for a sweet goodnight kiss.

I was finally done counting sheep. Maybe Eugene was the key. Warmth radiated from his body to mine helping me fall deeper and deeper down in sleep.


Good Morning, Rachel. Ready for a nice day in the office???

The night moved fast and morning came too soon.

The shower was running in the other room. I reached over to feel if Eugene was anywhere on the bed, but it was cold and empty. I signed out of disappointment before opening my eyes.

Reluctantly, I sat up and assessed the room. Suddenly, my eyes were met with a pleasant surprise. Eugene was standing in the doorway with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He put a hand on his hip as he noticed me checking him out.

"Save that for later, sweetheart... I'm getting in the shower. I through your clothes in the dryer so they should be ready soon," He smirked.

"Thanks Eugene," I said, trying not to blush to hard.

He shrugged before shutting the door to finish getting ready.

I ran off to get ready, but my mind never fully stayed focus. I mean, Who's would after that image...?

Eventually, both of us were ready enough to go out to the car. I convinced Eugene to let me drive to the office. Drinking coffee simultaneously as I drove. Occasionally Eugene would freak out in the passenger seat but everytime I would say something like, "Its okay. Calm down." or "Chill. I'm the best driver ever." Both of which didn't really calm him.

What's important is making it to the office in one piece and guess what? We did. No coffee spills or anything.


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Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now