40 A/N Thank You ♡♡

528 11 14

"You're in love with her, aren't you?" Ned whispered to Eugene. I had just walked out of the little office room in Ned's old house(our new office). They were whispering back and forth to each other, probably thinking I wasn't listening or couldn't hear them. I was standing slightly out side of the door where they wouldn't be able to see me, but I could still hear them.

Silence filled the room. Eugene didn't answer. Instantly, my throat tightened up, like my feelings were hurt and I was about to cry. Suddenly, I heard Ned start jumping up and down, "I knew it!" he sounded excited, "We all knew that was going to happen between you guys. Told you so?!"

The pressure relieved and so did the tension in my throat and chest. I sighed with relief. Good, I'm glad I now know for sure that I'm not the only one falling for someone in this relationship.

"Whatever. I don't care," Eugene stated, being his normal self by trying to shrug off vulnerability and feelings.

"Yes, you do!" Ned said, still happy for his buddy which was making my face start to light up. Occasionally, as I listened, I would look down the hallway to make sure no was going to catch me eavesdropping.

I heard Eugene sigh before standing up from his office chair, "Fine. I do. But let's act like I don't for just a little bit long. Okay?"

Ned must have shrugged it off. Their footsteps edged closer to the door. Jetting off towards the kitchen, I sat down at my laptop. I started to type up an email, mainly to look like I was at the table the entire time, but also because after the accident, I am majorly behind on stuff to help out the guys; AKA my job.

Eugene walked in. Ned must have went to do something else because, Eugene came in alone. He looked at me. I could feel the gaze linger for a second, "You okay? You don't look too good?"

I nodded, "I'm fine." It wasn't the conversation. No, the whole thing I heard while eavesdropping didn't make me upset or look sick. For some reason ever since I woke up this morning I've felt weird, like I had a stomach bug or something.

And before you assume something, No, I am not pregnant. Nothing like that has happened between Eugene and I yet. I have just picked up a little virus or something, but with my job, it's easy to come in. Most of the time at a desk or something. I'm doing the same thing I would be doing if I took a sick day at home, so why not be with the guys.

"Really? Because you look kind of pale," he commented as he put a hand on his hip.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay... I might feel a little off, but I'm fine to work."

"Right. You're fine to work. That explains the trash cane sitting beside you."

I sighed and stood up, knees feeling slightly weak but I tried to shrug it off.

He quickly shot over to me and held me up slightly, supporting me. He was another thing I tried to shrug off, but he didn't budge or even make a move to let me go.

"I think I should take you home. The guys won't mind. We even wrapped filming for the day already," he said as he tried to convince me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine, Eugene."

"No. You need to rest at home and not worry about work."

Giving in, I nodded.

Eugene helped me into a chair before going to explain to the guys what was happening.

One long and quiet car ride to Eugene's living quarters later...

The plastic crinkled slightly as he sat the trash can beside the couch. "Rest, Rachel."

"Can you at least get me my laptop?" I asked, pointing at the countertop beside the couch.

"Writing emails is not resting," he commented, picking my legs up to sit down on the couch before sitting down and sitting my legs on his lap, "So no computer."

"Wow..." I said as I closed my eyes.

"No talking either."

"Or what?" I looked up at him. "Seriously. What's going to happen?"

Eugene raised an eyebrow, slightly in shock because of me response, "I could just leave you to care for yourself in misery."

"Well, thanks for trying to care for me but I am pretty much the most stubborn person ever."

"Rachel. Come on. You know me. I am exactly like that. I know how stubborn people are. I think I can handle you."

"How cute..." I smirked up at him.

He rolled his eyes, "You heard what I said to Ned this morning didn't you?"

"Basically all of it."

Eugene grabbed my hand, "I'll be here. Rest up and get better so that you actually feel good when I start to confess my feelings."

I smiled, holding back a yawn, "Deal, Eugene Lee Yang."

He held my hand the entire time and never let go, no matter the possible germs floating around in my body, making me sick. It was like he could have cared less, since it was me he was with and caring.. No matter what could have happened. We were together, despite the odds or everything that could have happened to draw our paths apart. I call that a pretty damn good victory if I do say so myself.



This is it! Well. It's over for book one at least. I am super happy with how this story turned out and I hope you are too.

The sequel to this book should start being published by Mid-December/Early January(I will definitely let you know and keep you updated on that.)

As for what comes next for this part, I'm going to start the editing process(I'm sorry that you had to read my first draft but better version of this is coming in the near future.) SO the entire novel should be completely finished and revised by the end of October!! (update: 12/16- that didn't happen...)

Thank you so much for your constant support! I wouldn't continue to write if it wasn't for you. 

I hope to talk to you soon. :)



I'm crying. 12.1K reads. Wow. I can't. I don't. How..... Words? 

Thank you. <3

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now