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Groaning slightly as I held my head with my hand, "What the hell happened...?"

My vision cleared and so did the memories from the last hour, the not so positive memories.

"You we're in a car accident with Eugene. It wasn't his fault," Ned explained.

I sighed, "I know. The hospital surrounding kind of cleared everything up for me."

The room was silent for a second, except for their stares. All three of them, I could feel their eyes locked onto me in a concerned way.

"I'm fine. Stop looking at me like that."

Zach snapped his head to my eyes, "I don't think you understand the weight of this situation."

Looking around, there was only three of them. "Where Eugene...?"

I looked over to Keith who had placed his hand on mine, "In recovery. He's going to be okay. You were the one we were worried about. They didn't think you were going to wake up."

Oh no... This whole thing is just like Emily's accident. Was it karma? I thought that was all cleared up.

Keith stopped me from getting up. "You need to rest. Eugene is awake and talking, being normal Eugene other than the fact that he is worried about someone else this time."

I sighed as I relaxed back into the hospital bed. "I guess you're right."

"You're dizzy just from sitting up, aren't you?" Zach asked, with his normal level of sass slipping out of his mouth.

I nodded as I rolled my eyes slightly. My arm stung slightly as moved it back. The IV made moving it sting slightly.

"So I bought a puzzle for you..." Keith started to go on about his normal, silly manner which made me smile slightly.

I shook my head, laughing slightly, "Keith..."

"What?" He was confused to why I wouldn't want a puzzle. "Here. I'll even help." He said dumped out the pieces.

"How old do I look? Eighty? Do I get pudding too?" I snickered.

He nodded and smiled, "I will go get you some." He started to stand up.

I reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him. "No, Keith," I paused, "Let's do this freakin' puzzle."

His big, goofy face light up like a kid. Together, we put the puzzle together. Apparently we did not get it together fast enough. Zach complained the entire time, but keith being content with me sitting her, doing a puzzle with him, made that worry slip away.

Two Days Later

"Come on, Eugene," I begged, "We get to go home!"

He groaned as he gathered his things, "Doesn't your head hurt???"

"Well, yeah. But, we are going home, Eugene!" I helped him pack, trying to speed up the process.

My back was facing him, I heard him stop packing.


His hands went to my shoulders and turned me to face him. His warmth transferring. I'd stay here forever but we need to go home.

"Slow down, babe..."


He nodded, "Mhhh. We almost die less than seventy-two hours ago and now we get to go home together. We need to slow down so we can actually make it there."

Taking a deep breath in, I tried to relax, "I know but I was reading comments earlier and they are all so supportive but we missed a video last week because of this and they miss us, Eugene."

"So, we are going to go home and do what to fix that?" He let go of my shoulders.

I sighed, "I guess you're right." My shoulders got cold suddenly from the lack of his hands.

"But I want to go home," He said, picking up the bag off the hospital bed. He slung it over his shoulders as he looked at me. "Lets go... Don't forget your bag."

My face light up as he handed me my bag. I gladly took it from him. We walked out of the hospital together. I was the only one cleared to drive, so I put our bags in the trunk and got in the driver's seat, glad to drive the wonderful sports car home.

After everything, the one thing we can take from this, is you do not know what is going to happen tomorrow. The quote gets passed around a lot. People like it for a reason because it is true. You never know what is going to happen or when it could happen so you should live everyday like you are never going to get another one.

Have fun and be active but don't pass up many opportunities. Sometimes that one chance you get is your last chance. So, yes, my dad and I had a very rocky start, but I've come to terms with it and I want to try to figure out that man. Not to mention the other man, sitting on the couch beside me. When we got home, Eugene and I took out time. We decided Ice cream and a movie from his couch would be best for both of our recoveries.

I'm not sure what he thinks of our current situation. but I know that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. 

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now